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Name: Maxx

Age: 18

Personality: Maxx likes to be seen, and be heard, and fight. He will jump and stand on top of counters, knocking beers over or anything else in his wake. He is loud and rambunctious, making sure that others know where he is at all times. And, Maxx likes to get in fights. The thrill of a shouting match, or the pulsing beating of his heart during a fist fight, gets Maxx off. He has no will nor want to follow rules and will challenge any authority that's around. Only on occasion when he likes someone can be sweet and actually listen, but even that is rare. Maxx has to either be forced, or bribed to obey and submit. And when he does, he is vindictive. Needing and wanting to make the person pay.

Appearance:  Thin--that is the first word that comes to mind for Maxx's looks.  He is basically skin and bones with just enough muscle to keep himself going.  As much as people try to get him to eat, he doesn't really--most of the food he eats is complete junk.  Maxx has hazel, basically light grey eyes, and long black hair that often hangs in his face.  He's of avergae height, 5'9, but looks shorter due to his bad posture.

Ability: Mind Control

Sexual Orientarion: Bi

Likes: fighting, drugs, smoking, drinking, cursing and partying (December doesn't let him do these much anymore)

Dislikes: punishments, boredom, docile people, and work

Relationship: "Im engaged," he murmured and pursed his lips with a small huff, "Jermey asked and then bought me a stupid ring, so...I said yes." That was all Maxx was willing to say of his love life.

It hadnt taken long for Maxx to relaize his gift.  With just a simple word, he could control his parents.  This made them fearful of him, and they soon gave Maxx anything he wanted, and didn't bother to scold or discipline him. He soon left home and his small town, moving to crowded areas with lots of people.  Maxx pushed his gift as far as it would go and asked for bigger and bigger things until he couldn't handle it anymore.  Maxx had worn out his gift for a day and found himself in a sketchy situation.  He ended up killing a man and ran--Mavrick found him in a dark and cold spot and took him in.  Maxx escaped the charges of murder and kept his gift in check, never trying to push the limits like he had when he was young

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