Mavrick (Taken)

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Name: Mavrick

Age: 27

Personality: Mavrick is a father.  It doesn't matter who it is or what the person looks like--he will father them.  He's not exactly bossy, but he will direct someone into doing what he planned,  Mavrick is stern and won't put up with anyone's disobedience or insolence.  He will comfort and be friendly with everyone, though since he does act like a father.  He's fair and warm--just wanting things to go smoothly and everyone to be safe and happy.

Mavrick is only about 6'0 so he's not gigantically tall. He has broad shoulders and slim hips and he is rather muscular. Honey eyes match the long honey hair which compliments his tanned skin.

Ability: Future Reading

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Likes: cuddling, obedience, playfulness, and animals

Dislikes: attitude, cursing, sass, bullying, and rude behavior

Due to his gift, Mavrick knew for awhile that he would be on a quest to find children with gifts as well. It wasn't always clear how, but he took it upon himself to find and raise and protect all the gifted people he could. Mavrick hadn't known his father and his mother was never around, so he was raised by his uncle and understood the need of a father—or just a parent. Luckily, for Mavrick's quest, his uncle died before Mavrick came out and left Mavrick with a large fund of money that wouldn't run out for years and years to come, so he was able to buy the house and find the supplies he needed with his life long friends: Eva, Bailey, and Lucius.

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