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Name: Nemo.  A shortened version of his real name Mnemosyne

Age: Looks to be around 16-18.  No one knows his actual age

Personality:  Nemo has a bit of a god-complex.  He is arrogant and conceited, thinking that he is above all--people, rules, law of physics.  All of it.  And, he's somewhat of an asshole when things don't go his way. Given this, Nemo thinks that people are toys and servants. They are barely worth a second glance to him unless he needs or wants something which happens to be quite often.

Appearance: Despite the big attitude, Nemo has a little bit of a small container for it only standing at about 5'5 which leads him to wear platform shoes or tennis shoes with large soles in order to give him more height.   Nemo has features that are common in Greece.  His skin is olive tinted along with dark brown hair.  His eyes are a rarity in Greece, though, but not unheard of.  They are a blue, but with mixtures of light brown in them.  His frame is rather thin, but despite his size he does seem to have some power in his little body.

Ability: Memories (Just with the slightest of touches, Nemo can see all of a person's memory.  Not only can he view them, but he can change the memory whether that be adding or removing something)

Sexual orientation: Polisexual.

The God-like complex can be descruved easily.  Nemo believes that he is the Greek god Mnemosyne who was(is) the God of memories.  But, of course no one believes him since he doesn't have any other proof other than his ability to view and alter memories, but everyone he is surrounded with has some sort of odd ability.  Most question why he doesn't have God-like strength--even though he is pretty strong given his size--and Nemo's answer is simple.  He fell out of favor with Zeus and was stripped from everything, but his memory power.  Maverick and everyone Nemo lives with assume that while practicing his gift, Nemo made himself forget who he was.  They reasoned that Nemo came to the conclusion that he was a God given his Grecian features. 

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