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Name: Kristen

Age: 15

Personality: She snaps easily and stays angry for long periods of time.  Most of the time, she's either angry or what seems like bored.  Kristen doesn't like to engage with people often, thinking that she's seen it all.  She doesn't like people and avoids them as best as she can.  If or when she had to go out in public, she wears headphones to, hopefully, block any voices from those around--not interested or concerned with others.

Appearance: A shock of red hair and pale skin is how Kristen is most often described. Her vibrant hair matches her vibrant personality. Her eyes are a light blue, almost white and she usually wears heavy eye liner. She's average height and weight. Her breasts aren't large, but with her sporty figure--she doesn't care.

Ability: Read minds

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Likes: music, loud noises, being alone, and sports.

Dislikes: people and lots of other things

Hobbies: Listening to music.

Background: Kirsten used to be a very sweet and kind little girl, but then she discovered her gift. In elementary school, she'd often read the thoughts of people who she throught were her friends only to discover that they weren't. People were nice to her face, but they didn't like her really, so she grew distrusting. As she grew up, people continued to get even more cruel and harsh in their thoughts and she soon began to grow cruel and harsh to them as well. But she really just wants someone to tell the truth

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