Lawrence (N/A)

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Name: Lawrence

Age: 20

Personality: Lawrence acts like an asshole. He makes fun of people and teases and curses them out. The key word being acts. Lawrwnce really is a big teddy bear who likes to take care of people. He's super soft and cuddly and friendly. Hes afaird of nearly everything and jump scares really get to him since he is easily startled. He's usually very happy and content with everything. Loyal like a dog, he would never turn his back on a friend. But given his appearance and the fact that his gang was one of the top in his town--he coukdnt be the sweet guy he is. It had just been programmed into him to be an ass, so that's what he does, hating himself for it later. Like an onion, the layers just have to be peeled back one by one to get to the inside.

Appearance: Lawrence stands at 6'1 with natural, striking blonde hair. His eyes are round a bright blue, but with just a glance they seem cold. With all his piercings and tattoos, Lawrence seems like a hard, mean guy. He has resting bitch face syndrome, so most people avoid him when he's just walking around.

Ability: Visioner (He's able to make people see, touch, smell, hear, and tatse anything he wants a person to)

Sexual Orientation: Claims to be straight when asked

All through his childhood, Lawrence had grown up around violence and gangs. His brothers before him had all been apart of a gang, so naturally Lawrence joined as well which lead to him getting his first tattoo. Once he was found by Mavrick, he got more and more tattoos all with the hopes of covering up the gang symbol on his shoulder. He regrets every person he used his gift on to torture and regrets every life he took, but from years of being programmed to be vicious and cold, and beaten we for being kind--he does his best to hide that side of him

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