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Name: Sean (Shawn)

Age: 16

Personality: It is very hard to get Sean's interest.  He is a bored and apathetic individual.  He isn't affected by much and can take other people's suffering like a grain of salt--it usually doesn't affect him.  Only if a person is close, does he care.   To feel anything, he makes trouble to feel amusement from so one elses reactions--anger annoyance, fear.  In a relationship, things have to constantly change.  If they don't, he will get bored and probably leave without much of a wanring.

Appearance: Sean is pale and has dyed white hair, but he's careful not to show his roots. He takes care of his body, so he has nice muscles without being bulky. He would much rather play sports than to study. His eyes are a light brown and usually are blank. Headphones also seem to be attached to his head.

Ability: Telepathy

Sexual Oreintation: Bisexual

Likes: nothing really--getting buzzed, maybe.

Dislikes: nothing really--maybe, lectures

Sean soon grew bored of people. Day after day, he would read the same thoughts from all differnt people and walks of life. Everyone would have horrible thoughts filled with greed and envy, but what came out of their mouth didn't match the thoughts. It annoyed him and made him mad. Any person who tried to get close to Sean and use him, he drove insane, talking to them in their head, feeling them to do something. It was a voice in their head that didn't belong and wasn't their own.

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