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Name : Kyle

Age: Nineteen

Personality: Usually very hyper and sweet, Kyle will keep a person on their toes. He likes to jump around and run from point A to point B. Anyone he's close to, he will practically use as a jungle gym and climb up on them to either cling to their backs or ride on their shoulders. Kyle is always moving around and laughing, liking to tease basically everyone. His hyper-ness is partly due to his addiction to coffee and sugar which helps him stay awake. When his buzz crashed, though, so does Kyle's mood. He becomes irritable and snappy when he's tired--just wanting to be left alone.

Apperance: Kyle is about 5'5 and thin, but not super thin--he has enough muscle to look healthy. Dark bags are usually under his brown eyes as he doesn't get much sleep. His hair is brown, but looks slightly purpLe in the light, and it always falls into his eyes.

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Relationship: Kyle's cheeks heated up and he covered his face with his hands, "Im...d-dating Kai!" He announced and then got brave and dropped his hands, "I moved in with him and....I help him sleep some nights...I love me.."

Kyle had always found it hard to get rested. He would sleep, but when he was woke up he would still be tired. Kyle didn't understand his power nor did he know when he was using it. Thus, to keep him awake, his parents often got him coffee to keep him awake when it was day time. That made him act hyper as a kid, and he just contined to drink it as he got older since he was basically addicted. Kyle had accidently wondered into Mavrick's dream and he asked for the help he needed and met up with everyone.

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