Savanah (Savy)

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Name: Savanah (goes by Savy)

Age: 16

Personality: Savy likes to have a good time and enjoy life. She's very goofy and does silly things to make people laugh. Puns are some of her favorite jokes to make and she tries to make a joke out of basically everything. Never wanting to be sad, Savy tries to make light of every situation which makes most people believe that she is immature and can't take anything seriously...which in part is true. Sometimes a little slow, Savy seems to be ditzy and doesn't catch on very easily to subtle hints or new material in school. Even though it may take her a little bit to get something, she remebers it well and can manage to become 'smart' in that subject or topic.

Appearance: Savy is 5'2 and average weight for her height, and she does actually have muscle on her. Her hair is super long and light brown and curly. Her eyes are slightly turned like she has Asian decent, but they are a light blue.

Ability: Freeze time

Sexual orientation: Lesbian

Savy grew up with three older brothers--each that liked sports. Savy was more or less of a target for practice. She was never very coordinated and as hard as she tried, she could never catch any of the balls thrown or hit at her. After endless hours of abuse one day, she had, had enough. It was an accident, but a ball came at her face and she froze time. Since that day, she tried and practiced, letting her power grow stronger. Only once did she use it to cheat on a test, but built costumed her, so she left home and Mavrick found her, taking her in. From then on, Savy tried to limit the use of her power and tries her best not to tell people of it.

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