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Name: Ghost

Age: 18

Personality: Ghost is probably the sweetest person alive.  He wants to help everyone in everyday he can.  He wants to find every bad thing happening in everyone's life and fix it--stop it from happening in anyway that he can.  Ghost believes that there can be a perfect world and he's one of the keys to creating it.  And although he sees good in every person, he is not blind to the fact that some people are mean. He doesn't hate them, though, which is a normal reaction.  Those people he wants to help more, he considers them to be a challenge and has to help them.  But being shy, Ghsot often keeps to the shadows.  He doesn't want to be seen or recognized, so often he hides his face with a mask or a hood and shadows.   He does everything for other people and it's almost impossible to make him angry.

Appearance: have to find him first

Ability: See and control emotions

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Ghost doesn't like to be seen or even known. No one knows his real name, so Maxx, frustrated, gave him the name and title of Ghost and it just stuck. Ghost goes around and does random acts of kindness when he can. He doesn't like to control other's emotions, so he figures out what a person is feeling and then why. He then takes this information and fixes it, so the person feels better. Ghost manages to do all this without the person even noticing.

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