Chapter 7: What a Treacherous Lover!

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Damien Mcknight

Who the fuck is he? Most importantly, why is he staring at Acacia?

Is he by any chance her ex? Hew something, I don't remember that fucker's name. I can't be too sure, I don't know how he looks and Acacia barely talks about him, I don't want to push her. She deserves to keep it to herself because I never told her about Claire, hell, she doesn't even know Claire's name and I don't want her to even catch a hint about her.

Her life isn't as easy as she shows it to be anyways, knowing about Claire will add to her worries and problems.

Acacia seems like such a carefree person like she has absolutely no worries in the world, always so excited and happy-go-lucky but seeing her so shattered that day, I could tell how much she has suffered.

This is the power of love, it breaks you and ruins your life. It's dangerous and almost like a drug. It pulls you in its trance and makes your surroundings vanish while manipulating your opinions and thoughts.

It snatches your ability to think straight and only causes you pain. I learned that after Claire.

I shifted my gaze from that creep to Acacia as she kept waving at me, walking to her apartment.

Luckily, Acacia hadn't noticed that man clearly because he was hiding behind the wall, in the garden.

I smiled at Acacia, knowing that she is inside, before sitting in my car and driving to the back of her complex, parking near the garden.

I smiled at Acacia, knowing that she is inside, before sitting in my car and driving to the back of her complex, parking near the garden

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That man was almost as tall as me if not shorter nor taller. It became clearer as I walked closer.

My eyes wandered around the place as I made sure he had no accomplices, that will cause me problems because I clearly am not armed.

The surroundings were dark and it was really windy. The trees dancing as the sound of wind gushing borders the area.

It wasn't scary, just eerily quiet. Not that I minded, more noise would just cause me a headache.

I took out my phone and quickly took a picture just as a piece of evidence if things get out of hand.

If my doubt is accurate, he'll go for Acacia first, and knowing his toxicity, now that he saw me with her, he is probably boiling right now.

The man mumbled something like "Fucking slut" and headed to hail a taxi.

His words pissed me off. He said that to a woman, is he sick? That just shows what a bitch he really is. He can't even respect a woman.

What's worse is that his words were probably meant for Acacia. I will kill this man. If he is her ex, hasn't he hurt her enough to stalk her and shame her?

He is a fucking psycho who has no place in this society. He should know, no matter how dominant he is, he is in no place to humiliate a woman.

I didn't try to talk or reach him because it was a dumb move. He could be armed and I am not, at least Acacia is safe.

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