Chapter 25: I Think I'm In Love

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Acacia Mcknight

"Damien Freaking Mcknight!" I yelled, curling up in the corner of the living room.

Two ferociously large dogs were glaring down on me, saliva dripping from their mouths as they continued to bark at the intruder. AKA, me.

The whole living room was a mess. Pillows scattered here and there, all cutlery was splayed out on the floor and the cotton from the pillow was flying in the air like dandelions.

I will kill Damien. I am sure he has a huge hand behind this mess.

Does he not know I am terrified of such ghastly creatures!

He might or might not. You never told him. You can tell an enemy your weakness but not your husband.

"Damien! These creatures are barking at me! Help! Hey! Stop! It's coming closer, Damien!" I continued to yell and the dogs continued to bark and glare at me.

I took a few baby steps towards the stairs but the dogs came closer to I stuck myself to the wall.

I looked up from the two dogs to see Damien leaning against the staircase. Arms crossed and his signature smirk settled on his lips.

"I can't help you. You hate me, remember?" Damien shrugged, nonchalantly before patting the creatures.

Dogs, Casey, they are dogs.

"Look, Damien. Please, let's set aside all our differences for now.. Just-"

I was abruptly cut off by one of the huge dogs barking at me and pouncing in my direction but I fell to the ground and brought my knees up to my chest, curling up in a ball.

"Damien! Please, I'm scared!" I whimpered, tightening my hold on my knees.

I heard the tingling of the bells and looked up. Damien had grabbed the collar of the dog and gently pulled it back, caressing it's fur.

Casey is currently unavailable due to extensive fear.

I sucked in a deep breath as Damien said, "Ms Russell, I'm sorry but I'm helpless"

"Damien, please. Just stop this! I know you're doing this because of our argument. You don't know what effect it has on me" I said, raising my voice.

Damien walked towards me, and when he was close enough, he whispered, "And I don't care either, Ms Russell"

Damien tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and wiped a lone tear with his thumb.

"Damien, you haven't divorced me yet, I'm still your wife!" I yelled, grabbing his collar.

My legs began to feel cramped and soon my yelling turned into sobs.

This is so overwhelming.

"We are not back on first name bases, Ms Russell" Damien rasped, removing my hands from around him, walking back to the dogs.

"Damien, just get these creatures outside!" I exclaimed, helplessly.

Damien chuckled lowly, fixing his gaze on me, "German Shepherds, they are German Shepherds. Ms Russell, they are deadly and they already think of you as an enemy"

Is Damien a psycho! They can kill me right here!

I gathered all the courage in me and dashed towards the stairs but awful choice. The dogs are faster but in my panicky state, Damien grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder rather harshly making me wince at the sudden push on my stomach.

"Damien, you are hurting me, you know that?" I whispered, clutching his shirt in my fist, tightly.

"I shouldn't have to repeat this, I don't care about you" He hoarsed, throwing me on the couch before pinning my wrists above my head and hovering on top of me.

The diameter of the couch was already so small and Damien was far too close to me. He smelt intoxicating. As usual.

Tears streamed down my face as Damien tightened his hold.

The constant barking of the dogs reminded me of their presence, adding to my terror.

I felt Damien's fingers curl up onto the collar of my shirt as he pulled it down my shoulder.

"Hmm" He breathed onto my neck, sending shivers down my spine as his thumb caressed my wrists.

"Do I get an explanation?" He asked, his minty breath mixing with mine as his fingers caressed my bare neck and shoulder.

I turned my head to the side, sobbing.

"N-no, Damien. You don't get any explanation! Because when I called for you, you were nowhere to be found. That man touched me without my consent and you were not there to help me!" I cried as Damien's hold compressed.

"Acacia-" He whispered but I stopped him, shaking my head.

"You don't know what I went through, Damien. I have never been touched by a man beside you and just when I got comfortable with your touch, that man ruined everything! And where were you then? Huh! You don't deserve any explanation! Who does that to his own wife! I get it you don't love me, but why? I know you were home" I shouted and moved hurriedly under him.

I didn't even have to energy to look at Damien.

He doesn't know how much he has upset me.

"Did he hurt you?" Damien quietly asked before asking again,

"Did he harass you? Tell me honestly"

I snapped my head in his direction. Our lips were just centimetres apart.

I held his left hand with my fingers, tightly.

"Yes, Damien. Because he wasn't you! I was harassed because that man was a stranger" I cried out as Damien sighed,

"I am a stranger too, Acacia." He whispered as I shook my head.

"No Damien, I am married to you. Even if it's for 6 months, you are my husband. You aren't a stranger" I whispered, my vision becoming slightly blurry again. My head began to hurt.

"The man last night wasn't a stranger either." Damien said as I furrowed my brows, turning my head to the side as I began to cough.

I felt Damien's hand on my tummy as he rubbed slow circles on it.

"I don't understand" I couldn't raise my voice either, my throat was too dry.

"It was me."

I felt as if the weight of the whole world fell upon me. It was suddenly too hard to breathe but in a tiny corner of my heart, I was relieved. Because it was Damien, not some stranger.

I gulped weakly as I looked into his green eyes. They weren't calm nor were they furious, just emotionless, whereas mine were filled with unshed tears and pent up frustration.

Damien got up from me and sat on his knees, like last night.. This time, his knees were in between my legs. He held my hands slowly to help me sit and I took his help because I couldn't get up on my own. This is too much to handle.

Surprisingly, I wrapped my legs around his waist and threw my arms around his neck, tightly hugging him.

Damien's hands didn't touch me one bit, he kept them on the couch as I suffocated the life out of him.

My tears fell on his shoulder, wetting his t-shirt.

"I.. You don't know how relieved I am, Damien.." I whispered against his neck, fisting his shirt in my hands.

I heard Damien sigh lowly but he still didn't hug me back.

"But that.. That doesn't mean I forgive you" I whispered, even quieter than before.

Damien scoffed slightly, rubbing his nose on my shoulder.

"These aren't called bruises, Acacia, they are called love bites or hickeys." He whispered, tracing his finger down my neck and my shoulder.

Casey! I missed you! Let's forgive him, okay?

No way!

"You are going off-topic, Damien" I whispered, nuzzling my face in his neck.

"You are sitting on me, Acacia" Damien cut through as my eyes widened at the sudden revelation.


Gosh! I had no idea!

This is exactly why I told you to control your hormones.

I instantly pushed Damien making him fall back on the couch and I got off his lap and shot off towards the room. I didn't forget to glare at the dogs either.

What's their fault!?

"Acacia, what the fuck?" I heard Damien groan as I slammed the door shut.

"What?" I yelled back, my back resting against the door as I smiled.

Happy, are we?

Stop thinking like Damien!

"You were so loud! Now, open the door" Damien's voice is generally very low and right now, I could hear it from very close proximity so that means he too is leaning against the door.

"No! I won't open it, go sleep in the guest room! I'm angry, remember?" I huffed and giggled quietly.

Ugh, this is so much fun.

"Are you 5, Acacia? I have to leave early in the morning" Damien husked, knocking on the door.

I bent down and looked through the space between the door and the floor.

I kept my hands on the cold floor as I watched what Damien did.

I saw two green eyes looking directly at me as I rapidly moved away and covered my eyes with my hands.

Damien was in the same position as me!

Embarrassment and Acacia are the same thing.

"No Damien. I'm sure you can sleep alone just fine" I giggled and walked to the bed.

No replies? That's shocking.

Not very, hottie doesn't talk anyway. Don't be shocked.

But the silence was deafening. I heard nothing come from the opposite side.

The barking of the dogs, yes I heard that but that was it.

Did you compare Damien to a dog? Shame on you!

Soon, I heard the door unlocking and Damien walked in. My eyes flew out of their sockets as I stopped drawing snow angels on the bed.

What a kid you are.

"You are not the only one with the key, I'm the owner of this house, sweetheart" Damien's voice was husky as he grabbed my wrist.

"Now, who will save you? Stacy isn't home" He whispered in my ear, menacingly.

Damien kicked the door shut and twisted one of my arms behind my back and pinned me to the door.

I clenched his shirt with the other. My chest rose up and down rather hurriedly as my head began to spin at the closeness.

Ah, the smell of men always gets us dizzy. Especially Damien.

Damien intertwined out hands behind my back and leaned in so that his breath fans my face.

"None of us will sleep until you hear me out. Is that clear?" Damien asked, holding my waist.

I just blinked once.. And then twice.

"Is that clear, Acacia?" Damien repeated before kissing my temple gently.

I gulped again and nodded.

"Words, Mrs Mcknight"

I'm beginning to think Damien seriously hates repeating himself. And more than that, he hates no replies.

That's a hot dude thing, you wouldn't understand.

"Y-yes" I stuttered and looked away.

Damien pulled me closer, so close my head collided with his shoulder.

And since you were too lazy to move it, you left it there! Dumbo!

"That night, I didn't tell Claire anything. She has her ways and she found out about you and Matthew. I wouldn't tell her anything, fuck, I don't even talk to her." He whispered, his breathing was rough and choppy.

"But why does she know me? I never even met her, Damien?" I asked, closing my eyes.

I'm so sleepy!

Explanations first, no need for confusion in this relationship.

"She heard me call your name. Claire is someone I need you to stop thinking about, okay? And for the Matthew problem, trust me. I would never hurt you in that way." Damien said, rubbing the side of my waist.

I breathed in as he said, "Claire was my girlfriend and my past, alright? You, Acacia, are my wife and my present. That's all you need to care about."

He's so sweet. Ugh, he's cool.

I smiled and nodded,

"So are we friends again?" Damien asked, raising his eyebrows and I chuckled.

"Yes, best friends" Damien chuckled and let go of my arm, hugging me.

I wrapped my arms around him again and rested my head on his shoulder.

"What about your accident, Damien?" I asked quietly as his body stiffened.

Way to ruin anything, good job! Tristan told you to not!

When Damien didn't speak, I asked, "Do you not trust me?"

Instantly, He shook his head, "I do trust you, Acacia, but that's a story for another time. Not today"

He calmly said and pulled away.

Are people in contracts supposed to behave so intimately?

I don't think so.

I nodded and smiled at him, "Please get those dogs out of your house. I'm gonna pass out"

Damien laughed before leaning in and whispering in my ear, his slender fingers caressing the side of my neck, "Our house"

I just looked at him and he gave me a small smile, walking out.

I know for a damn fact, I really like Damien..

No, you're wrong. You love him and you can't accept it. 

Oh hello!

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-Aubree <3

Someone's falling in love, what do you think?Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it!Stay safe! <3-Aubree <3

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