Chapter 20: Baby vs Cutie Pie

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Acacia Mcknight

The look on Damien's face was just priceless

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The look on Damien's face was just priceless. His deep green eyes curiously looked at each one of us, pretty astonished as he took few steps towards us all.

Mom instantly threw herself into his embrace as I watched, smiling. It was such a beautiful view, I don't think I have ever seen Damien hug anyone with so much love.

"Christie, come" Damien whispered as Christie looked down, shaking her head.

"I'll just hurt you Damien" She mumbled, moving away from him.

I frowned as tears started to form in her eyes.

Why would she hurt Damien? Hugging can't hurt anyone, right?


"Come on Christie, you won't," Damien said, pulling away from his mom.

I just stood in the corner, behind the sofa. I'm happy to see them all together.

We are almost dead, Casey, stop trying to stay up! You have an exam tomorrow! Idiot!

Damien bent in front of Christie and held her hands, "I'm fine, Christie. It was 5 years ago."

Christie quickly looked up at him.

Hold up, what?

This man is far too enigmatic. I'm dying of such suspense.

Well, mind your own business and live happily, sweetness.

"Damien, it still hurts yo-"

He just shook his head, hugging Christie.

"You know who organised it, Damien?" Liam asked and Damien looked at me with a slight smirk.

Finally, senpai noticed us.


I smiled at him before he said, "Stephanie?"

Who on this pure earth is Stephanie!? And why would she throw him a party! I mean, I worked hard here and he doesn't recognise it?

Are you fine? Casey? Chill, you must be red by now.

I literally cooked everything I knew how to because this baby dear cannot eat a cake or anything with dairy in general and this is what I get? Some Symphony girl?

I think you're gonna cry Casey, ahh. Not here, you'll humiliate us both. And I think it was Sesame, not Symphony.

Mom smacked Damien's back before twisting his ears. "Ah, ah ouch, mom!" He groaned,

Ah, hot stuff is scorching hot. He even groans sexily!

Shut it! He didn't recognise my effort even though I worked so hard for it! He just smirked at me.

Don't flatter yourself, I doubt he did.

"So, what do you think? Who did this for you?" Mom asked, her eyes so menacing I think I would faint if such menace was meant for me.

Damien let out another soft groan as she smacked him again before he said, "Anastasia?"

This time, my face turned red, almost purple.

I can't believe this.

"Damien, can you stop naming your assistants? Stop playing around" Christie said, holding her stomach as she continued to laugh at me.

I couldn't help but pout as I scooted towards the kitchen.

Let's end this. For good.

You and your drama. You should have been an actress.

I heard mama and dad congratulating Damien and yet! That coconut, empty-headed man didn't think of addressing or even looking at me.

"Acacia, won't you come?" Damien called, and I gave him the stink eye. He doesn't deserve my kindness anymore.

His eyes went wide for a moment before his signature smirk tugged at his lips.

I gave him my fakest smile I could and said, "Happy Birthday, Damien"

Seriously, Casey? You are wretched. Just because he didn't acknowledge your effort, you're being mean to him.

Damien took my hand in his, bringing it to his lips.

Oh no! Stupid butterflies are taking over me, Casey! Make it stop!

Everyone looked at us with nothing but adoration and gosh! I'm so uncomfortable with all their stares.

"It's beautiful, Acacia. Thank you. I appreciate it" He whispered, his thumb brushing my knuckles gently.

Ah, see! He was playing around.

"You haven't seen anything yet, baby boy" I whispered playfully in his ear, keeping my hands on his shoulder as he raised his left brow.

"What do you mean-"

Damien was cut off by Christie yelling, "You guys can romance around later, let's have dinner and then Damien can open his gifts!"

I burst out laughing, so damn hard I would have fallen over if Damien didn't hold me up then.

"D-Damien are you a baby?"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but who tells a 24-year-old man that? That's so cute!

This time Damien gave me a fake smile, "Yes, yes I am a baby and if I don't like the gifts, I'll start crying, want me to show you?"

And then, just as I started to laugh again along with Stacy and Liam, Damien's hand slithered around my waist and soon, he pinched it so hard I quickly pulled away.

"Ouch! You heartless creature" I yelped quietly as everyone dispersed to the dining table.

He winked at me mischievously and rasped in my ear, his lips trailing down my ear lobe, "Is that how you talk to a baby? Acacia? Babies are sensitive, if you hurt their little feelings, they'll throw a tantrum. Want me to throw one?"

Knowing Damien, he can do anything so no, we shouldn't test him.

My breath hitched at the contact as my cheeks flushed.

Damien is capable of doing far too many things to me and I don't want to hurt myself by falling for a person who doesn't feel the same.

He is playful, gentle and kind, those attributes pull me in deeper and now it's so deep I can't get back out. I need a distraction.


Hell naw!

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

After dinner, we all gathered in the living room as we sat on the couches.

I sat next to mama and papa, whereas Liam, Christe, mom and dad sat together. Stacy stood behind Damien.

"Open up!-"

Why do people keep getting cut off?

The doorbell rang at a deafening volume and instinctively, we all turned our heads towards it.

Who could it be?

Damien stood up but I stopped him, "I'll get it"

I didn't want to disturb him from opening his gifts because it's been so long for him already, I don't want to delay it.

Damien gave me the 'are you sure' look and I nodded.

I opened the door as Stacy followed and stood behind me.

Oh. My. God.

Hotness overload!? Who is this!!!

There stood a handsome young man. He had black hair with silver streaks. Oh, bold. His eyes were almost similar to mine, a light hazel and he had a pretty mouthwatering build.

Like Damien's?

Hell Nah, Damien is a Greek God.

"Oh well, hello cutie pie" He clicks his fingers and points at me while winking and my eyes widen as I take a step back.

He sounds weirdly familiar. Where have I seen him?

He called us a cutie pie.

He's just flirty.

Oh, so Damien isn't? He compliments you all the time.

Well no, because he doesn't have that intention.

"Uh.. Who are you?" I asked before I saw his eyes widen.

I turned around with a frown only to see Damien glaring at the man in front of me.

Almost protectively, his arm wrapped around me and he pulled me toward him making me gasp.

"Tristan, Tristan Maxwell" 

Any guesses? Who could Tristan be?

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Stay safe! <3

-Aubree <3

Don't forget to comment and vote!Stay safe! <3-Aubree <3

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