Chapter 24: Curious Little Soul

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Acacia Mcknight

We are finally dead, aren't we?

I told you to breathe, didn't I?

The bright sunlight hit my features like a truck as I carefully moved in my place.

What if that kidnapper kidnapped me?

I know for a fact, I am not dead. I mean I can breathe! And move too!

But in all that, every time I called Damien's name, where was he? Damien is highly sensitive to sound, so if he was home, he could have heard and saved me.. So where was he when that man was touching me?

I opened both of my eyes and I was in our room, on the bed.

Damien wasn't on the couch nor the bed.

Did he leave us alone forever?

God, what have I gotten myself into?

I had a splitting headache and it felt as if my skull would explode and so would my limbs.

I threw the black silk sheets from around me and scrambled out of bed.

Maybe Stacy was right about one thing, I am sure I won't be able to have breakfast.. Gosh, what about my exam?

My eyes widened and I turned to look at the clock.

"9:30! God! I'm late!" I yelped and instantly shot off into the washroom.

Just as I showered, I noticed the slightly purple tint of my neck and shoulders.. Did that man hit me? But they looked like tiny, insect bites..

Was he spiderman, Casey?

I wrapped a towel around me and walked to the closet before wearing a black turtle neck and some jeans. I didn't want anyone questioning me about anything at all.

You are one hot woman, if I wasn't you, I would have dated you.

I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen to maybe grabbed a bottle of water or something but there he was.. Sitting peacefully on the breakfast table. Calmly sipping his bitter espresso.

I huffed quietly and walked past him. I'm sure he heard me coming downstairs but of course, Damien being Damien will never talk unless it's ultra-important.. And my condition is not important to him.. Spilling out my secrets to Claire is, obviously much more meaningful.

"You're up? Good morning" Damien's husky voice cut through the silence as I filled my bottle.

Is that all? No how are you? Or are you okay? I'm so sorry? No nothing!

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"What is so good about this morning, Mr Mcknight?" I asked, keeping a fake smile on my lips as I turned to face him.

Now I took account of what he was wearing, a white button-up with a navy blue coat and some jeans.. Casual. Who is he meeting up with?

No snooping around, we are upset remember? And why do we care? He isn't hot anymore.

Damien snickered lowly. While keeping his gaze on me, he took a sip of his coffee. Shockingly, his gaze slid over my covered neck and shoulder before moving up to me.

"Angry, are we?" He raised his brows, questioning me as he licked his lips.

My throat felt dry so I took a sip of my water and took a few steps towards Damien.

"Have I lost that right, now?" I asked as Damien's gaze became stern as he squinted slightly.

"What other rights have you lost, Mrs Mcknight?" He asked, voice low and raspy as he played with his watch before fastening it.

I kept my eyes on him and said, "It's Ms Russell for you, Mr Mcknight"

My tone was stern yet it wavered slightly because of the gaze Damien had on me. His gaze was calm yet it held fire. Almost so much, it might even burn me.

Drama queen, just say he's angry. Easy.

"I haven't divorced you yet, Acacia. Are you that eager?" Damien asked, standing up and I sprinted towards to living room, near the front door.

Just why are you running? Huh?

"I don't have time to talk to you, and we are not on first name bases anymore, Mr Mcknight" I firmly said and put my hand on the doorknob but Damien's words stopped me in my track.

"Is that all you do Acacia? Run from your problems and wait for them to resolve on their own?" I felt tears pricking my eyes as I processed his words.

He meant to say that I'm running away from Matthew and all my other problems..

Damien is so not cool anymore.

"I'm not running away, Mr Mcknight. I have an exam and I'm late" I whispered and gave him one last look, boy he looked furious!

"Also, Mr Mcknight. I hate you"

Just look at his face! He's damn angry, Casey, stop!

Tristan did tell us to not make him angry..

I wonder what he'll do.

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