Chapter 41: I Am An Idiot!

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Acacia Mcknight

After I told Damien about everything about Claire, he instantly blasted off to her place and god knows what he said to her.

He still isn't back yet and I tried to stop him so much but Tristan held me back. So I am angry at Tristan.

"Come on, Acacia, talk to me! I am here to play and eat!"

And to finish Damien's strawberries

"I'll cook for you but I won't talk to you, Damien was boiling mad, Tristan"

I sighed and he rolled his eyes, "He'll kindly ask Claire to fuck off-"

My eyes widened as I threw a pillow at him, "How is that kind!"

He laughed, "Well, Damien is much nicer to women than I am, so he'll handle it carefully. Don't worry and please give me something to eat, I'm dying!"

I smiled and prepared some snacks while Tristan cursed at the games and players.

Our ears!

I placed the snacks in front of him and said, "Enjoy. I'll just change and com-"

I was cut off by the door opening, Tristan didn't even bother looking but I walked over to Damien.

He looked normal, like he wasn't angry or anything, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

He asked and patted my waist before saying, "Tristan, I'll change and come"

Oops, we said the same thing! We are meant to be!

Tristan chuckled, "Your wife said the same thing, go ahead and spend time. I don't mind"

"Tristan!" I whined as Damien walked upstairs. I followed him and he locked the door once I entered.

"Were you super mean to Claire, Damien?" I asked, sitting on the bed as he took off his shirt.

Ah, what a view.

I averted my gaze from him as he walked to the closet and said, "I wasn't. I told her clearly what I was supposed to, she understands and she won't bother us anymore."

I smiled, at least he didn't upset Claire too much.

True but she is still a witch to me.

I walked to my closet and changed into my pyjamas before walking out.

The door was still closed and I saw Damien come out of the washroom.

He briefly looked at me before opening the door, "After you"

He gestured me to walk out as I smiled and walked out.

After we reached it, Damien and Tristan instantly started to play. I just watched occasionally, but I was honestly sleepy.

I know babes, I can't keep them open!

"Tristan, Damien, I am going to bed. I kept extra chips in the kitchen, if you feel hungry, feel free to eat them." I mumbled and stood up.

"Ah, Good night, Acacia" Tristan stood up and hugged me as I smiled, patting his back.

"Nighty night, Tristan" I whispered before Damien too stood up.

"Won't you hug me?" He smirked as I shook my head,

"I see you every day, not Tristan." I giggled but Damien pulled my wrist and Tristan whistled,

"Okay okay," I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck and tightly hugged him.

He smelled so fresh and dreamy, I can stay like this forever.

He's so warm and huggable!

He pecked the crook of my neck and rubbed my waist, "Get a room, guys. Don't ruin my pure sight"

As if! I saw him watching such unholy things and he was enjoying everything yet he can't see this?

We pulled away and Damien threw the joystick at him.

What is money in this household?

"Ah, fuck you, Mcknight!" Tristan hissed and Damien laughed.

"Good Night, Acacia" he whispered as I kissed his cheek before stepping on my toes,

"Please come quickly, I can't sleep alone"

True, Casey be super scared!

He nodded and smiled as I walked upstairs.

When I laid down on the bed, I immediately fell asleep. That's how sleepy I was.

Well, you are always sleepy, nothing new.

I think I slept peacefully for an hour before I heard the sound of the shower running. Is Damien showering? It wasn't long before the light of the washroom blinded and killed me.

I moaned, annoyed and changed my side, covering my face with the blanket.

I am sure Damien swam and then showered. This man doesn't care at all!

He is as nonchalant as a cucumber. Cool and calm and hot too!

The bed beside me dipped and I heard low breathing as cool enveloped me. Why is he taking off my blanket?

Juicy, juicy, juicy!

I kept my eyes close and pretended to sleep.

Fingers trailed down my face and gently rubbed my neck. I bit my lip to not make any noise as Damien pecked my forehead.

He's so romantic, oh my heartue!

"I think I can love you" He whispered and my world stopped.

I felt a rush of adrenaline run throughout my veins and fuzziness overtook my senses. An intense feeling of deep affection hung in the air but I had to stay quiet. I couldn't say anything even though my mind was screaming at me.

Mind, aka, Me.

Then, I was pulled from my place into Damien's warm arms and I couldn't help but feel the safety. He holds me every night even though I know I hold the power to hurt him but he does that so I feel comfortable.

I didn't even realise when sleep took me in its shelter and when I lost consciousness because of how joyous I was.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I woke up with a smile, my mind was fresh and my eyes were brightly away. How nicely had I slept? This was the best sleep I have had in a while and I wanted so much more of it.

I got up and pushed the blanket from around me, stretching my arms as I turned to look at the wall clock. It strikes 7:30 and my lips tugged into a grin.

Good morning, cupcake! Hello, world!

I hate this time of the day but today, I felt like it was the best time. Mostly because I don't like to wake up and work but now, I want to. I have never felt so happy and content in my life. And it's all because of Damien.

He makes us so happy! Rot in hell, Matthew! Oops, bimbo jerk, I mean.

I turned my attention to Damien, who was still asleep. His hair was messily splayed on his forehead, features relaxed and lips parted. One of his arms rested on his temple while the other was around me.

I walked up to the balcony and pushed the curtains aside, letting plenty of sunshine in. I could hear Damien shifting on the bed but he didn't say anything because he enjoys sunshine anyway.

Oh, holy sunshine! Greetings!

I didn't push open the door because Damien falls sick when the air is too cool so I didn't want to take any risks.

I took in my surroundings, dew-covered the leaves around the garden, cool air swept the area and mist drowned everything in its way. What a lovely day!

Los Angeles looked stunning from the penthouse and the view just took my mood up a notch.

"Acacia? Are you on the balcony?" Damien called from the room, his voice raspy from sleep.

Hottie's up!

I hummed and tore my eyes away from the view, heading inside only to see him sitting on the bed, messing up his hair.

"Good Morning" I wished and sat next to him. The bed felt so soft, I wish I could just lay down and sleep again.

He smiled and looked down, his eyes still heavy and I guess he wanted to sleep more too.

Aww, sleepy bear!

"Morning, beautiful"

For the next two hours, after breakfast, Damien had gone to the home office for some pending cases and trials while I laid on the couch, scrolling through Netflix and flipping through movies.

Where are the good movies nowadays?

Trash, trash and trash!

I heard the sound of my phone ringing so I absently picked it up, without seeing the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered, keeping my eyes on the tv screen.

"Leave Damien, Acacia, unless you want him dead. You know what I can do, right? So be smart and leave him before the poor soul ends up paying"

Bimbo! Wait, that means attractive but dumb woman, oh no! I called douchebag that all the time! I meant to say, Douchebag!

My face paled and I sat straight on the couch. Should I tell Damien-

"Oh, and don't think of telling him, that'll just speed up my work"

Foolish Jerk!

I couldn't find my voice and I felt panic rise inside of me. Why Damien?

"M-Matthew, leave Damien out of this. You have a problem with me, not him, don't touch him" I tried to warn but my voice shook and faltered so bad!

Don't die, please! You always feel like dying but I am too young and awesome to leave this world!

My throat felt dry and my legs felt weak as Matthew chuckled, "You have two options, leave him and come to me, I'll give you the same old life again, or get him killed, either way, I am benefited"

I closed my eyes and clenched the cushion in my hands, "He is a lawyer, Matthew, he will know everything about your dirty plan!"

But Matthew just laughed, "I'm giving you time, divorce him and come back to me as soon as possible, I can't wait to make your life hell again. Seeing you happy burns my soul, you know?"

Sicko! Douche, I will kick him again!

"You are psychotic, Matthew" I spat before he tutted,

"Your time starts now. If you don't divorce in less than a week, I will kill Mcknight, get that? And if he finds anything about this, I'll attack the weakest of his family, Christie Mcknight"

Oh no, sister in law!

My heart stopped entirely as I gasped, "Leave Christie out of this, Matthew! Just leave Damien and Christie, every one from his family out of this!"

"Okay, come back then" I could hear the devilish smirk in his words as I rubbed my face, distressed.

Hell to the now, Cass isn't an idiot!

"You won't hurt him after this, right?" I asked but it sounded like I was pleading.

"Mhm, no. If he leaves you, I'll leave him"

I felt tears settling in my eyes as I nodded, "I'll do something, but Matthew, I swear if you touch even a hair on his head, I'll kill you"

Casey is an idiot!

"Ah, Feisty huh? Did he teach you that?"

I hung up and fell back in my place. My mind was everywhere and I couldn't think straight. How can I just ask him for divorce papers! One, there is still a month before our contract ends and two, we disregarded the contract so I can't do it!

I paced around the place, anxiously and pulled at the skin of my hands. I bit my lip so hard I think it might even bleed.

"Acacia, everything okay?" Damien asked and I froze but didn't turn around.

Oh no, how will we face him! Idea! Tell him his charm is blinding!

I didn't reply just walked on the stairs and he furrowed his brows. I was such a fool to even pick up the call or think it was a good day.

"Acacia?" His fingers wrapped around my wrist but I pushed them away and walked to the pool room.

It always looks so pretty, maybe I can get my mind to work here?

True, but our mind doesn't really work, it expired, remember?

"Damien, leave me alone, please" I whispered and Damien looked so confused.

No please, don't leave!

Yet he stayed calm and sat next to me, "Is there anything you'd like to share?"

I shook my head and looked away from him. I can't tell him anything, yet I am dying for it. I don't want to go to Matthew and I don't want to leave Damien either.

I feel horrible for acting like this with Damien, he looks so concerned and uncertain.

You're being stupid, Cass, we should tell him!

"Acacia, you can tell me everything, you know that, right?" His voice was gentle as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

His fingers brushed across my skin and I couldn't help but look away. It's making me weak and if he touches me again, I won't be able to do it. I'll end up hurting him!

He feels good!

"Damien, I don't know how to frame this but" I stopped midway and looked into his green eyes.

They were calm and understanding, he was sitting very close to me.

I then turned my eyes to the pool as he said, "You're scaring me" but since he chuckled, I think he's playing around. I am so sorry, Damien.

I feel like crying!

I sighed and then quickly said, "I need the divorce papers"

What the heck! You dumbo!

He instantly stood up and I looked up at him, he looked angry. I could see the fire in his eyes, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Exactly, Damien, my point!

Thankfully, he didn't yell, he never does but he just took a few steps away from me and rubbed his face with both his hands.

"Damien, I can't see the rest of my life with you, I am sorry" I could feel tears in my eyes and it was so hard to not cry. He looked so hurt!

I can't cry, no, if I cry, Matthew will hurt Damien. I am doing this for Damien.

Yes, but you'll get yourself killed!

I reassured myself but nothing worked.

"Why, Acacia? You were perfectly fine in the morning. Did someone say something to you?"

Oh no!

I shook my head and said, "I don't love you, I don't think I ever did."

What a lie, guys, please give Cass the award of 'Lie of the year'

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Is this a game, Acacia? I don't understand"

I wish it, my nonexistent heart is thumping in my eye!

I stood up and walked near the pool, "I have realised my feelings for Matthew and I want to get back with him. I need the papers, Damien"

I won't let you sign it, I will brain freeze you! I'm warning you!

Damien let out a humourless chuckle, "Are you out of your mind?"

Precisely, hottie, precisely!

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. This is the last time we will be together, I can't move away but I have to.

I tried to pull my arm back but he grabbed my waist and pinned me to the wall next to the pool, "Damien, I don't love you. Just stop confining me"

You are definitely stupid!

A tear rolled down my cheek as Damien looked down, "Don't fuck around with me, Acacia"

Yes, please! My head is spinning!

"I can't stay with a man I don't love, Damien. I can't stay with you"

Then don't stay with Douchebag, you hate him, not Damien!

He pushed me against the wall and rasped, "You fucking love me, Acacia"

Oh yes, genius!

"No, no I don't love you, Damien! I love Matthew, not you!" I yelled with teary eyes but Damien wasn't having it at all.

Why wasn't I born mindless? Cass, how could those dirty words come out your mouth like that?

"Does he have something to do with this?"


I instantly shook my head and when his grip loosened, I ran in full speed to our bedroom.

I slammed the washroom door shut and locked it.

I don't want this, I can't do this.

I slid down the door and fell to the ground as I started crying like crazy.

We still have time!

Damien knocked on the door and whispered, "Acacia, I don't know what is going on, but I am giving you space and please talk to me, darling"

He's so sweet, my heart is melting, oops, if it melts, would we die?

I covered my face with my hands and sobbed.

"I am so sorry, Damien" 

Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Matthew is back and as usual, he is a prick.   

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Stay safe! <3

-Aubree <3

   Don't forget to comment and vote!Stay safe! <3-Aubree <3

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