Chapter 23: To Withstand It More, To Sustain It More.

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Acacia Mcknight

I wiped my tears and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Damien behind.

I know he loves Claire but he had no right to tell her everything about me. I should have just never trusted him enough to tell him anything anyway. Damien is a stranger and will always be one. He never opens up no matter how hard I try.

Just as I walked past the corridor, a hand grasped my wrist and a hand covered my mouth, pulling me into a room, sorry, the swimming pool area.

 Just as I walked past the corridor, a hand grasped my wrist and a hand covered my mouth, pulling me into a room, sorry, the swimming pool area

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"Mmm!" I mumbled clawing at the hand but I heard a groan and soon the hands moved away.

That cannot be Damien, he wears many rings, this hand didn't have any.

Yeah, hot boys- no. Damien betrayed us. He is not cool no more.

"Acacia-" A tall man came into my vision.

"Tristan? What the heck?" I gasped, frowning.

Tristan placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "Sit. Acacia"

I shook my head, "No Tristan.. Um, Damien will be-"

Tristan pushed me on the chair and bent in front of me as my eyes flew out of their socket. I uncomfortably shifted back in my place.

What on earth is hottie 2.0 doing?

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Tristan sighed and slowly said, "Acacia, stop bullshitting your way"

I cleared my throat and looked away.

"I have known Damien for years and Acacia trust me, he is not like that"

I kept my gaze low as tears stung my eyes again.

Tristan heard everything. This is just embarrassing but I am not in the mood to talk about Damien.

"Look, Tristan.. I don't know what you're saying" I said and got up but he pulled me down.

Oh lord, have some mercy.

"Acacia, I told you. Stop bullshitting. I heard everything, and I can assure you that he is not that type as his best friend. Claire has her ways-" I raised my hand to stop him.

I can't take it anymore. I just don't feel that good about it and it hit my weak point.

"Tristan, he broke my trust. he told his ex everything about me-"

Tristan shook his head and grabbed my hand, pulling it to his chest, "Acacia, listen to me and try to understand, okay? When Damien trusts and loves someone, he does it with so much passion you'll be shocked and that's exactly why Claire cheating on him hurt him so much. He is never expressive, Acacia, you need to give him time-"

"We don't love each other, Tristan, he doesn't love or trust me. If he would have, he wouldn't have done that and he could have told me about his accident at least" I pulled my hand from him and looked at the pool. Small ripples of water smoothly caressing the surface and light subtly settling on it.

Casey, clear your mind and listen to him-

"Well this was a good talk, I'll be leaving now-"

"Acacia, you are angry right now but think about it. Damien will never do anything that will hurt you, I know for a fact that he hasn't told Claire anything. And for god's sake, don't ask him about his accident, he'll tell you when he will be comfortable, don't make him angry.. It won't be good for you" Tristan said and gave me a small smile before leaving.

I shook my head and cleared my throat.

I didn't expect any of this to happen and I am so disappointed. Because of all this, I couldn't even tell how happy Damien was with the party.

I looked around the swimming pool and felt tempted to swim, but I had to let go and walk out because it was time for everyone to leave.

In the living room, I saw Stacy cleaning up and Damien walking upstairs.

He's probably going to his office.

But where was everyone? Tristan? Christie and Liam? Our parents weren't in sight either..

I felt concerned and I turned around to see if anyone was there but nothing however, it felt cold and eerie.

Maybe because it's late? Casey, don't worry, Stacy is here.

I covered my arms at the coolness of the air and walked over to Stacy.

"Stacy, where is everyone?" I asked, my gaze shifting upstairs.

Are you looking for Damien, Casey?

"Oh, Acacia, you woke up? You must have been tired.. Damien sir said-" I frowned and licked my lips

Stacy looked shocked to see me awake but I was awake? I never slept or left for that long for her to assume so.

"Not Damien, Stacy, um.. where are the rest? I can't see anyone here"

I don't understand why Stacy always thinks I'm asking about Damien.

Because you always ask about him, Casey.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Ah, they were looking for you but Tristan sir said you slept and so they all left. They wished you goodnight too.. Damien sir looked angry, Acacia"

I sucked in a deep breath and smiled at her, nodding.

"Uhm.. See you in the morning, Stacy.." I quickly said and turned around because I need some time but she grabbed my wrist.

"Acacia, can I please go home tonight? My daughter is sick and she needs me" She gave me a pleading look and I instantly nodded

"Yes, of course, Stacy.. No worries, stay with her until she is all healthy, okay?" I whispered, holding her hand and her smile grew

'But, will you be all right in the morning? You have an exam and I know Damien sir can be a little.. Uhm, you know.. how will you be in the morning?" Stacy's cheeks darkened and I furrowed my brows, confused.

"Yes I will be fine, why not?" This time even I was curious

Yeah, who cares if Damien is angry, we're a bad bi-bleep.

"Uhm.. you know.. Men's way of relieving anger? Yeah, bye, Acacia! Have a great time!" She hurriedly said and ran to the door as I stayed there, confused.

Well, Matthew's way was hitting me, what could Damien's be?

Something you'll enjoy, Casey.

I sighed and walked to the living room.

I don't wanna sleep in the same room as Damien and since Stacy is gone, I can just sleep here.

Yes, there are many rooms but I can't sleep alone and it is pretty enclosed so I'm perfectly fine in the living room.

I sat on the black couch next to the floor-length window and looked out.

The trees swayed left to right and stood in their utmost glory. Dew slightly covering the window.

Suddenly, all the lights in the house went off and my eyes widened.

It's far too dark and I am petrified

Breath, Casey, Damien is home.. I think.

I looked out of the window again and this time I saw something fly past and a huge shadow appeared.

I lost it this time. I can't stay here, not at all.

"Damien!" I screeched and tried to find my way upstairs.

"Ouch!" I yelled when I bumped into the table and it fell on my foot.

Lord, can you be careful!?

I groaned and pushed the table away.

I doubt I'll be able to give the exam tomorrow. I'll die tonight. I was always afraid of tightly closed places and especially the dark, all thanks to Matthew locking me off. I already suffer from anxiety and this just adds to my condition.

I ran upstairs, tightly gripping the railings as I continued to hear the sound of air before slight tapping began.

Ugh, it's raining too!

This is the start of any horror movie.

I breathed in deeply and pushed open the first door I could find.

I quietly look around but I couldn't see anything due to the darkness. I raised my hands in the air to make sure I don't bump into anything or I'll surely suffer from paralysis.

"Damien? Damien, are you here? Please be here, I'm so scared" I whispered lowly as I took few more steps.

Are you an idiot? Why are you whispering?

I facepalmed myself rather harshly.

"Ugh!" I bumped into the edge of the supposed bed and fell on top of something hard and soft.

"Lord save me!" I yelled when the 'bed' groaned.

Arms wrapped around my waist and the positions flipped. I was now under the thing.

My hands were pinned harshly and firmly to the bed and I squirmed tremendously. Hot breath hit the side of my face and something heavy pinned my body down.

It felt hot, the body on top of me.. I'm beginning to thinks it's a person because I could hear the hoarse, rough and jagged breathing.

"Look, my husband is a lawyer.. If you do anything to me and I die, he will kill you" I tried to threaten but I heard a scoff as the hold tightened.

The hand on my waist moved up to my stomach and sheesh! They were ice-cold, I could feel metal against my skin. Lips gently pecked my earlobe and I whimpered, snapping my eyes shut.

The man was so close to me I could almost smell his perfume.

Gosh, where is Damien!

We are getting harassed by some stranger and hottie is nowhere to be found.

"I didn't know lawyers could kill too, that's a first" A hoarse, husky voice rang in my ear and I tried to push the person but to no avail.

I attempted to get up again but the hands pushed me down harder as I felt lips trail down my neck.

"Stop touching me! M-my hus-husband can sue you for harassing me! A-and if.. you bother me and scare me, I'll get anxiety and I won't be able to breathe so I'll die. I'm telling you Mr Kidnapper, my husband will kill you for killing his only wife" I yelped and moved my wrists in his hold.

What a damn genius you are.

"Oh sweetheart, you don't tell your opponents about your weaknesses. And you and your husband argued today, I doubt he will even hear your pleading.. However, you can try" His voice was so husky it reminded me of Damien..

Oh how much I miss Damien right now.

I whimpered before a tear rolled down my cheek.. Will this man do the same as that man in Venice did? Will Damien save me again?

"Damien! Damien, I need you right now, please help me! I am sorry for anything I said, please!" I yelled loudly before sobs escaped my throat.

Acacia, please breathe!

I heard the man on top of me chuckle before he moved away from me and sat on his knees.

I gulped harshly and while sobbing, I crawled to the head of the bed. 

"You don't know Damien.. He.. he wouldn't let anything hurt me.. Not you either" I cried, clutching the bedsheets.

The bed dipped a bit and soon, I was picked up like a baby.

I batted my legs and tried to move but the man held me to his chest as I continued to sob.

"Please leave me.. Please" I pleaded as his arms wrapped around my waist.

Casey, breathe or else you'll die!

My breath hitched as he lowered himself and kissed the bridge of my nose, whispering, 

"You have been such a bad girl today, you deserve a punishment"

And surprisingly, that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out, completely. 

Come on, we all know what's gonna happen next ;)

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Stay safe! <3

-Aubree <3

********Come on, we all know what's gonna happen next ;)Don't forget to comment and vote!Stay safe! <3-Aubree <3

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