Chapter 29: He's Mischievous!

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Acacia Mcknight

The sound of the birds chirping awoke such a lovely feeling in my head.

The morning air caressed and enveloped my body and I looked around the garden from the balcony.

It's so pretty!

I spread my arms across the cool railing, as wide as a majestic angel's wingspan.

Why is it so relaxing?

Gosh, we'll miss his balcony the most!

I heard a husky chuckle followed by a subtle sound of throat clearing.


I was about to turn around but ice-cold hands wrapped around my waist, from under my wine red, silk blouse as the fingers tangled with my waist chain.

I let out a breathy sigh as I turned around slowly and instantly, my hands collided with a bare chest.


My eyes widened as I looked at Damien.

He wasn't wearing anything but an emerald-coloured robe. It exposed his chest and his gorgeous chains, just like how my blouse exposed my waist chains.

He looked godly.

He looked hot as hell.

Damien chuckled, the tips of his fingers caressed my cheek as I snapped my eyes shut. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I pulled my hands away from his chest and put them on the railing, behind me.

Yeah, we don't wanna hurt Damien.

Damien's gaze fell lower, onto my chest and I looked away.

I am falling deeper and deeper, what's worse is that I can't control it.

Don't control it then.

Damien's cold fingers stroked my stomach, keeping his gorgeous, deep green eyes on me.

What is this feeling in my tummy!?

I don't know! It's creeping me out, it's way too warm and fuzzy.

Damien leaned in and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. My grip tightened painfully on the railings as I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation.

He let out a breathy chuckle, pecking my earlobe as my breath hitched.

God, he's driving us crazy!

Damien pulled me by my waist, my body colliding with his as he whispered, "You're gonna get me in so much trouble, Acacia"

I just breathed in, my mind wouldn't function properly!

Damn you!

He rubbed his nose against mine gently as I said, "You are hurting yourself, Damien.. Stop it"

I tried to look him in the eye but he just growled lowly.

Then, suddenly, he began to rub the right side of my neck with his nose, then my throat and then the left side.

I'm gonna be a heart patient soon.

Don't worry babes, I know you're enjoying this.

"Oh.." I mumbled, closing my eyes as I bit my bottom lip.

Damien stopped rubbing my neck for a moment as if realization hit him like a truck and looked at my lips before my eyes. A sceptical look in his eyes and a strange smile on his lips.

What on earth is he thinking?

He adjusted his hold on my waist as he whispered, "Why are you moaning, Acacia?"

I just looked at him in surprise but he just giggled and put his head on my shoulder.

Oh! I never heard him giggle!

He's so cute! And his morning voice, ugh lord!

Hearing him giggle, I couldn't help but giggle softly too.

I smiled and cupped his cheeks before placing a kiss on his chin.

"Others would think we're doing something, wouldn't they?" He playfully licked his lips and walked backwards with me, into the room.

Stop blushing, dumbo!

I kept my hands on the fabric of his robe, making sure I didn't touch his skin one bit.

And then, I pushed Damien into the washroom.

"What the fuck, Acacia?" Damien growled as I laughed, keeping a hand on my chest.

My heartbeat was far too rapid.

"Go shower Damien, you'll be late!" I merrily walked out of the room into the kitchen, still in my robe.

It's not that anyone's home, not even Stacy, so I am good.

As I was walking to the kitchen, I put my hands on my cheeks, Lord! They were too warm.

"Good Morning, Acacia" I heard a soft-deep voice say and my eyes widened as I looked at the figure in front of me.

Oh dayum, holy cupcakes! He scared the living crap out of me!

"Tristan! You're here?" I said, smiling.

Instinctively, I tightened the belt around my robe and moved behind the counter to hide myself a little.

Tristan nodded and smiled, "I'm here to have breakfast, do you mind?"

A smile crept up my face as I looked down, "Of course not, I'm happy you're here. I was about to call you last night for dinner too but Damien said you were busy"

Tristan chuckled, rolling his eyes, "Ah, yes I was.. Very busy. Where is Damien, still sleeping?"

Tristan was comfortably splayed out on the black couch, eating all of Damien's freshly picked strawberries.

Dayum, Damien will murder him. Say goodbye, it was fun while he lasted.

I just shook my head, gathering all the ingredients for some baked potatoes, hash browns, bacon and cheddar quiche.

I'll also make some simple, vegetable casseroles for Damien because I don't want him to consume any dairy products.

I seriously love your cooking, I apologize for my previous comment on how you can't cook. You're the best.

"He is showering, I hope you're not lactose intolerant, Tristan? Because I'll be making bacon and cheddar quiche too, so I won't let Damien eat it. He'll fall sick"

Tristan chuckled, shaking his head, "I'm not"

I and Tristan talked about random things for a while and he is a really nice person..

He's so sweet and funny, Damien is lucky to have a friend like him.

And Damien is lucky to have a wife like us.

Apparently, Damien was angry at him because he forgot the verses he had to read out at our wedding and also, Damien had forced him to be our priest because of public issues.

Mafia? He is hot though.

"Acacia, come to the room" I heard Damien's raspy-deep voice come from the room as my eyes widened.

What does he want?

I looked at Tristan and he was smirking before he shrugged.

"Tristan, I'll be back" I whispered, closing the stove and he chuckled.

"Be careful, Damien sounds hungry" And then he winked at me.

I threw a mitten in his direction and he caught it, laughing.

"Tristan!" I scolded, running upstairs.

When I entered the room, I didn't see Damien anywhere. I looked at his closet, upstairs but he wasn't there either.

"Damien, where are you?" I asked, gasping as I had just run.

Why do you run when you know you can't?

I heard the washroom door click open and a head popped out. Ugh, Damien!

Damien wrapped his fingers around the door, tapping the wood as he smirked, "Could you give me my towel? You threw me in without it"

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him, walking to his closet.

You are blushing again and he hasn't even touched you.

I entered his closet and it's so organised, I mean, of course, it is. It's Damien's wardrobe.

It's very neutral though.

The colour pallet is plain black, white, grey and blue. That's it, no funky colours!

Do you expect a lawyer roaming around in yellow, looking like the glorious sun? No right? If yes, then you're just weird. Straight up.

I grabbed his towel off the stool and scurried to the privy.

Just say washroom, God dang it!

I knocked on the door and called out, "Damien, here!"

Soon the door opened and this time, only his veiny hand popped out.

I put the towel in his hand and turned around but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside making me squeal!

It's so humid! The silk is sticking to us!

Damien chuckled, twisting my arm behind my back and pinning me to the door. Point to note, my back was facing him, my front was pinned to the door.

I groaned and said, "Damien, let me go!"

Damien hummed, saying no.

His fingers ran down my arm slowly as he purposely breathed on my exposed neck.

Is he naked!?

I guess!

I felt lips peck my neck before he left my wrist.

"You can go unless you'd like to see me change" I could hear the smirk behind his words and I dashed out of the restroom.

I am so sure he did it because I pushed him earlier!

Why would you!

My breathing was uneven as I sat on the bed and tried to gather my thoughts.

I can't love him! Damien would never love me.

You have to cook, Cinderella, and Tristan is downstairs. Would you like to leave him unattended? Get off the bed!

I sighed and got off the bed before my phone began to ring.

There we go, we're already late and some dumbo is calling us.

As I reached out to my phone, it disconnected.

"Oh," I mumbled, going through it.

It was a missed call and soon, I started to receive some messages from an unknown number.

Curiosity kills the cat, as mentioned earlier, Casey is that cat so, for obvious reasons, she has to check it.

"Leave Damien or you'll see my wrath, Acacia"

Hello people!

How was it?

They are cute, aren't they?

Stay safe! <3

-Aubree <3

Stay safe! <3-Aubree <3

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