Chapter 17: She's One Endearing Woman.

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Damien Mcknight

"Acacia, goddammit, you'll be fine, just get down," I said with a sigh.

This woman is just so stubborn, she's gonna be the death of me.

Acacia reluctantly shook her head, grasping my coat as if her life depends on it.

She looked around, absolutely petrified and pretty much spaced out. The air hostesses gave her a few sceptical glances as she cursed in her own language. 

"Stop right there you weird bimbo-like frickity creature!" She mumbled lowly but as usual, I heard everything. 

"Acacia, it's a cockroach"

Natalie, the air hostess, walked over but I raised my hand to stop her. It's better if Acacia doesn't have company right now because she is clearly not thrilled. 

"Damien, you have no idea how serious this is," She said, almost trying to throw her legs over me.

Is she that scared of cockroaches?

I chuckled, gently shoving the cockroach out of the compartment.

"Is it okay now?" I asked, a small smile tugging at my lips. She's one endearing woman.

Acacia nodded, shifting past me to her seat. She was so not keen on travelling probably because she is scared or because she has an exam, god, it took 30 minutes just to convince her to travel back to Los Angeles.

I took out the important cases from my bag and went through them. I felt a pair of eyes curiously skimming over me and my things. I couldn't hold back the smirk as I turned to face Acacia.

"Curious, aren't we?" Sometimes it's better to be gentle with Acacia rather than firm, she's a childish, innocent soul and I don't intend to hurt her again.

Acacia batted her lashes, her big hazel eyes glimmering with enigma and innocence. I tilted my head as if asking her to speak.

"I.. um, what are you doing?" She nervously looked around. I have noticed, she asks fewer questions about me after last time and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel guilty,

"I'm going through the pending cases, why?" I asked, looking back onto the dark grey folders. This is a lot of work, goddamn.

"Are they the scary ones? Like in the movies, with murder and.. and forced marriages?" I turned my gaze to her, she seriously has a thing for erotic genres. She seems far too innocent for her choices.

I let out a breathy chuckle, "No, darling. No forced marriages"

Acacia pouted, disappointed as she nodded, turning her whole body to me, keeping her hands on the divider, "So.. murder?"

She curiously scanned the papers, "Do you get scared easily, Acacia?"

I know she does, I just asked to tease her, It's relatively fun to tease and see her blush.

Just as I thought, her cheeks flushed bright red as she looked away from me. "No Damien, I don't"

I tilted my head, keeping aside my things, "Oops, lying are we?"

She instantly shook her head, smacking my arm.

Ouch, just kidding. Her hands barely grazed mine.

I raised my eyebrows smirking, "Lying is bad, Acacia"

"Damien! I didn't lie!" She squealed, playing with her hands.

Why is she nervous again?

At least I got her mind off of the plane.

"It's a vandalism case, with fewer profanities and less violence than the murder one." I explained as she yawned.

Acacia nodded, tracing circles in the air, keeping her gaze on her phone.

"So.. you get dangerous cases, Damien? Cases that threaten your life?'

My body stiffened in response as I fisted my knuckles. Didn't I choose this though? I did, I chose the danger because I enjoyed the thrill and the inevitable rush of adrenaline. Unfortunately, that was by far my worst decision, after Claire, that is.

'I chose this" I gave her a small smile but she frowned, taking in a deep breath.

"What's your regret, Damien? You're not happy"

I instantly turned to face her, probably shocking her at the fast movement, "I don't regret things I do, Acacia"

I hate liars yet I'm lying to myself. Ironic.

"I'm not in the place to say this, Damien, but sort yourself out now.. I delayed it and see where I am, don't hurt yourself"

I just looked at her, astonished, bothered and deep down I knew she was right. I have cursed and hurt myself enough and no matter how many people noticed, no one comforted me the way Acacia did.

I do need to sort myself out.

"Don't feel guilty for mistakes you never made,"

I frowned but she closed her eyes, pulling a blanket up to her legs. I never said anything about that, in fact, I barely tell Acacia anything..

I licked my lips, gulping the shot of vodka, I'm fucked up,

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

"Welcome home, young master and young mistress" Stacy greeted both me and Acacia

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"Welcome home, young master and young mistress" Stacy greeted both me and Acacia. I nodded in her direction whereas Acacia smiled and waved at her.

She looked around the hall, maybe because she has never been here before. This is my penthouse and I don't stay here very often but because Acacia will stay with me now, I moved here.   

"Stacy, would you please prepare the dinner?" I asked and she nodded, taking our coats.

Acacia was sleepy because she couldn't stand straight nor could she keep her eyes open.

Just as Stacy left, Acacia asked, "Can you tell me where I'll be sleeping?"

"Yeah, come" She took one step and sat on the grey couch.

"I'll sleep here, good night" She quickly said, tugging at her dress and laid back down on the couch.

Her hand fell numb from the couch, her body faced me and she was curled up in a ball. She fell asleep in less than 2 minutes.

She shifted left and right, rather uncomfortably, and looked like she'd fall off any moment.

I chuckled, bending in front of her and wrapping her left arm around my neck before picking her up. She groaned for a millisecond before snuggling in.

"Casey, shush" She mumbled as I started to walk.

I couldn't help but smile, she calls herself Casey? Cute.

"Sir, would you like me to change young mistress? She must be uncomfortable" Stacy asked as I passed the kitchen.

 "Sir, would you like me to change young mistress? She must be uncomfortable" Stacy asked as I passed the kitchen

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Acacia did look uncomfortable. Her dress had patches of fancy sequence and it allowed cool air to hit her while her legs were just bare. She must be cold.

Acacia's hand rested on my chest as she clenched the fabric, her fingers lacing and entangling with my chains.

"Yeah sure, Stacy. Come upstairs" I said, walking to my room.

As comfortable as I am around Acacia and vica versa, I wouldn't ever touch or see her without her permission. Not to forget that she is my wife for 6 months only.

I laid her down on the bed and she instantly hugged the blanket, snuggling in the pillow. 

I smiled lightly before I walked to the shower, It's been a long day.

Ooo, they're getting somewhere!

Just wait for it, their life will take turns.

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Stay safe! <3

-Aubree <3

Don't forget to comment and vote!Stay safe! <3-Aubree <3

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