Chapter 42: I Promise

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Damien Mcknight

Acacia walked out of the washroom after 15 minutes and she looked miserable. She tried to hide it but she couldn't. Her eyes were puffy from crying and her face was bright red.

What is wrong with her, suddenly? She was chirpy and happy till breakfast. There is something she's hiding from me.

I didn't say much and pretended to be calm even though my brain was eating me up but I can't scare her.

Whatever is going on in her head, I need to figure it out and soon.

She loves me and I know that. I do suspect Matthew because Acacia hates him from the bottom of her heart and she should, but I can't be too sure.

I sent her a side glance and fixed my tie, usually, Acacia would tie it up because she loves to reach my height but today she didn't, although, I saw how she played with her hands, nervously.

I didn't say anything because I don't want to crowd her so I'll just wait until she explains and I am not angry at her, I can't be until and unless she tells me the reason.

She walked to the bed and pulled the blanket over her head, grabbing my pillow and hugging it.

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't, I don't know what's going on.

"Bring the papers on your way back, Damien" Her voice was hoarse from crying and it sounded weak.

I licked my lips and scoffed, "Darling, I won't bring them until and unless I know the reason, so, see you in the evening"

I have the power to issue the papers but why should I? I won't divorce her and I need to talk to Tristan, maybe even track down Acacia's call list.

I heard her groan and I walked over to her. Tracing my hand through her hair, I leaned down to kiss her and her breath hitched. I smiled and whispered, "Won't you kiss me goodbye?"

She always does and she's so giggly after that, I won't go unless she does.

She removed the blanket from her face and pouted, "No, I don't love you, remember?"

She's such a baby. I just rolled my eyes, "I'm waiting"

She moaned and cupped my jaw. I swear I saw a small smile on her lips before she placed them against mine and kept her hands on my chest.

I tickled her waist and she jerked back, holding back a fit of laughter as I said, "And you claim to not love me, huh?"

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and I didn't miss the tear that slid down her cheek as she said, "I don't love you, Damien. Just trust me"

"A little hard to believe, Babygirl" And I left the room.

When I reached the firm, Anastasia rushed towards me and said, "Sir, someone is asking for you. He says you know him"

I frowned and looked towards the waiting hall, "Did he give his name?"

No one was sitting in the hall, this is weird.

She shook her head, "He says he knows you and Mrs Mcknight"

Who knows both me and Acacia? We both meet a whole different crowd, we don't have mutual friends, except for Tristan.

"Okay, I'll get to it. Thank you," I said and walked to my office.

When I entered, I saw the back of a man facing me. Blonde hair and an average build. Who is that?

And then he spun around in his place and I couldn't help but chuckle as I rolled my eyes.

Ugh, this stupid man.

"Ah, Mr Smith, welcome"

Matthew smirked and nodded, placing his hands on my desk as I sat in front of him.

"Would you like coffee or tea?" As if I'll offer him anything, anyway.

"No, Damien"

I don't think we are on a first-name basis, but okay?

I clasped my hands and looked at him, "Why are you here?"

He chuckled and said, "To take back something"


I furrowed my brows and asked, "What may that something be?"

Matthew played with my pen as I eyed him, silently.

"Acacia Russell"

I will fucking kill him.

My daze darkened and I leaned back in my chair, "Acacia Mcknight, firstly. And she is not a thing, Mr Smith, she is my wife"

"Come on, Damien, you don't love her, who would love her?" He chuckled, foolishly and took my pen in his mouth. Disgusting, I'll need to get this office sanitised.

I could feel anger rise inside of me as I placed my hands flat on the desk and sternly said, "I love her and stay away from Acacia, Smith, I will kill you if you even contact her"

How can he talk shit about Acacia? It's so hard for me to avoid lashing out at him but I swear, I'll kill him for hurting Acacia.

"You only like her for her body, don't you? So did I, but I like hurting her and seeing her cry. Very softhearted, I tell you"

He should leave before I end up sinning, and murder him. It won't even be a sin.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, "Did you take her already? Good, isn't she?"

That's fucking it.

I stood up and grabbed his collar as I growled, "Get the fuck out of here before I kill you, Smith. If I hear you talking about her again, I will rip your tongue off"

Then I dragged him to the door and kicked him out of the office.

Fucking psychopath.

I took off my coat and threw it over the desk and sat on the couch. Rubbing my temple, I sighed before the door opened, revealing Tristan.

"Damien, what's wrong? I heard you cursing the hell out of someone, who was it?"

I rolled up my sleeves as Tristan sat in front of me, "Matthew. He wouldn't leave Acacia alone, Tristan. He is disgusting, he thinks of such sickening things about her, I can't control it"

Tristan hissed and said, "Why doesn't she report him, Damien? You will be her lawyer and you'll win it. How long will she suffer?"

I lowered my head and traced my hand through my hair, "She is scared of him, Tristan."

"Damien, talk to her and tell her to just end it, only you can help her"

Clearing my throat, I said, "She won't talk to me. Since morning, there is something wrong with her. She keeps saying she doesn't love me, I dont know what's with her"

Tristan frowned, "That's strange. Did you say something to her?"

I thought for a while but shook my head, "Nothing. She was fine until breakfast and then I left for some work, after that she started behaving oddly"

Tristan too looked like he was thinking, "What do you want me to do?"

I hummed and said, "Track her phone, I have a feeling Matthew is behind this"

He nodded and patted my back before walking out to his office.

I stood up from the couch and at this point, I was beyond pissed off. But I was even more worried about Acacia, I dont know what she's hiding and I know she is stressed out.

"God, what are you thinking, Acacia?"

I picked my phone up and walked out of the office. I saw Anastasia and Stephanie leaning against the table, talking. Just as they saw me, they stood straight and smiled.

"I'll be leaving," I said and just as I took a step, Stephanie asked,

"Sir, would you be back?"

I shook my head, "Tomorrow"

"Bye, sir" They both chimed and I nodded before leaving.

I drove back home and walked to the library. Acacia sits there a lot, lately but she wasn't there today. I looked in the kitchen and the living room but she wasn't there either.

I sighed and unbuttoned the top of my button-down.

When I reached the room, I saw her staring at her phone, her eyes were still red and puffy. She's crying so much today.

"Acacia" I called but she didn't look up. She looked scared and upset.

I grabbed her arm and stood her up, she gasped loudly, maybe because she didn't notice me. Then she clutched her chest, clenching her t-shirt as she mumbled, "You scared the heck out of me, Damien"

She sighed relieved as she let go of her shirt and held my wrist. She tried to remove it but I held her tighter.

She looked confused as she asked, "What?"

I slowly walked towards her and she took steps back until her back hit the wall. I put my arms on her sides and trapped her.

"Tell me" I whispered and lowered my head to her neck.

Her breathing became heavier as she muttered, "Tell you what, Damien?"

I let out a breathy chuckle, and sternly said "You know exactly what I'm asking, stop playing around and tell me who's bothering you"

Acacia put her hands on her hips and shook her head, "There is something such as privacy, Damien"

I rolled my eyes and looked at her. She quickly averted her gaze from me and mumbled quietly, "Don't look at me like that"

She's blushing and I haven't even touched her yet.

"Matthew?" I asked and she snapped her head towards me.

"I don't understand" She tried to push me but I harshly grabbed her waist and pinned her.

Her eyes became teary as I said, "He is bothering you. Yes or no?"


I cut her off and asked again, "It's a simple yes or no question, answer it properly, Acacia"

I didn't want to be so strict with her but I had to. She needs to open up.

She moved her hands to my shoulders and stepped on her toes, "Is the door locked?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused but then nodded, "Yes, why?"

Then her hands moved down to my chest and she whispered very lowly, "Matthew knows everything. If he finds out I told you something, he will hurt someone"

Her hands shook violently and I muttered a curse word. I knew it. He is bothering her.

I tightened my hold on her and asked, "Hurt who?"

She sighed and leaned in, close to my lips. While tracing her finger down my chest, she whispered, "You"

"He can't hurt me, sweetheart" I whispered and stroked her cheek but she shook her head.

"He can, he is a horrible man, Damien. Just let me go back to him, I can't afford to lose you too. Please, I beg you. I won't forgive myself if he hurts y-"

I would never let her go back to that monster.

I cut her off by placing my lips on her and pushed her back, gently. I wrapped my left arm around her waist and the other cupped her jaw. Her eyes were wide as saucers before I mumbled, "Close them"

I tilted my head to the side and deepened the kiss. I bit her bottom lip as she gasped and clenched my shirt. Acacia tried to copy my movements but she stopped when she got tired. Her actions made me smile and pull away.

I kept my arms around her but she lowered her head to my chest, "Don't take me by surprise, Damien. I wasn't ready"

I chuckled and hugged her, tightly.

She smells wonderful. Vanilla with a hint of lavender.

She kept her hands on my chest and whispered, "Why do you make everything so hard for me?"

I just pecked her neck but stayed quiet.

"I really really love you" She mumbled before her body fell frail and she dropped herself in my arms.

I grabbed her waist as her head fell back, "Were you that exhausted?"

I smiled and lifted her in my arms before laying her down on the bed.

She was wearing her silk nightgown and her brown hair splayed beautifully on the pillow. She is so damn gorgeous.

I covered her with a blanket and kissed her forehead.

"I promise to protect you from every problem, Acacia" 

Hi! He is so sweet! 

She finally told him about that douchebag!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Stay safe! <3

-Aubree <3

She finally told him about that douchebag!Don't forget to comment and vote!Stay safe! <3-Aubree <3

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