Chapter 35: Once Again

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Acacia Mcknight

Damien instantly moved away from me and said, "What?"

His jaw nearly dropped as his lips parted.

He didn't hear it the first time, good thing! Don't say it again-

"Damien, I broke your rule and I fell for you. I.. I really like you and for our sake, I don't want you to touch me or show any affection." My voice shook as I took a step towards him but he just moved back.

"You know for a fucking fact this wasn't supposed to happen" He rasped, groaning before running his hand through his silky hair and that's when we heard the sound of the tires screeching against the road.

This is so sad! Is he rejecting us? Oh no!

It was Tristan!

Seeing us outside, he rushed towards us and asked, "Is everything alright?"

I instinctively wiped my tears off my cheeks and nodded, smiling. I am sure my cheeks were red and my eyes were swollen.

Damien walked over to the car and said, "Tristan, bring her home."

Tristan's eyebrows furrowed and he said, "Are you crazy, Damien? She is your wife, you're just gonna leave her alone?"

Damien clicked his tongue and looked at me, I shamefully lowered my head.

I didn't know he would react this way.. I would have never confessed.

Tristan looked hella pissed off as he grabbed my elbow gently, "Sit in the car, Acacia"

I gave Damien one last look and decided it was best if I went with Tristan.

I sat in his car and then Damien said, "You know what Tristan? You care about her so much right, just marry her after me. Okay? She will love you just as fucking much"

I couldn't control my tears as I bent and sobbed. The sound of my sobs echoed throughout the car.

He's so mean! Don't cry babes!

Damien sat in the car and drove away.

"Acacia, shh. He's just crazy, it's okay. He'll be fine" Tristan said, rubbing my back as I cried.

Me doesn't like hottie anymore!

"T-Tristan, I really love him" I sobbed as he sighed

"I know, Acacia. He will take time" He whispered, caressing my hair.

I looked at him with my puffy eyes and said, "He won't love me, Tristan. He told me this wasn't supposed to happen.. He hates me now"

"Acacia, Damien is not like this. Just give him time, he will love you"

I shook my head, "No, I will leave him. I won't love him because it makes him angry.."

Casey, babes.

Tristan looked at me before he started to drive, "Acacia, don't leave him. He behaves irrationally when angry and trust me, once you reach home, he will apologize"

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For the whole ride, I slept. Thankfully, Tristan had some sleeping pills so I was peaceful.

I need time off of Damien.

True. It's just me, myself and I now, Casey.

I walked inside the penthouse to see Stacy cleaning up.

Holy! My favourite person!

A smile tugged on my lips as I ran towards us, "You're back!" I hugged her tightly as she chuckled and nodded.

"I missed you so much!" I said and she laughed before throwing the garbage.

It sounded like glass and actually, it was glass.

I frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Stacy sighed, "Damien sir drank and then smashed it"

Oh no no no!

I closed my eyes as I ran a hand through my hair, "Is he upstairs?"

I'm already so tensed and now this?

Are you Damien? Don't run a hand through your hair!

She nodded, "Okay, be careful, dont hurt yourself" I whispered before carefully walking upstairs.

I didn't hear any noise from our room as I entered.

I walked in only to find Damien standing on the balcony with a bottle of wine in his hand.

His eyes were focused on the view and he was wearing just a pair of sweats, nothing else.

I cleared my throat as I walked behind him.

Damien lowered his head but didn't turn around, "Change before you catch a cold"

His voice was breathy and calm, unlike in the afternoon.

It's better if we change, don't you think?

I didn't say anything, just walked to the washroom.

After showering and changing into a pair of jeans and a lacey pink top, I walked inside the bedroom.

Now, Damien was sitting on the couch. My gaze shifted to the wine bottle which he kept aside, on the coffee table.

Damien looked at me before I sat on the corner of the bed, looking at him, "You're angry because I confessed, right?"

My voice was gentle and calm totally opposite of my feelings.

"Or is it because of my irresponsibility?"

Babes, if he divorces you, just remember, I'm always here for you! Oh, wait, you divorce him! Not the other way round.

Damien scoffed and looked away, "I don't know how to tell you, Acacia."

I leaned in, put my hands on the bed and asked, "Tell me what?"

He turned to me and leaned back on the sofa, his arms resting on the head of the sofa. His body was tense as he put on a grey t-shirt.

"Acacia, I won't ever see you the way you see me because I just don't love, you or anyone in that case. You'll end up getting hurt and this time, it will be because of me. I suggest you stop it now, the earlier you stop loving me, the easier for us both"

Damien kept his eyes on me while I looked everywhere but into his eyes. I could feel a sudden gush of despair hit me. I knew he wouldn't love me but I still confessed.

My chest hurt so bad and I didn't even feel like staying conscious. Dramatic, yes, but I guess this is why people prefer physical pain over emotional pain.

Baby! It's only because you were strong enough to confess also partly because it slipped out of your mouth but yeah!

I breathed in slowly and shifted in my place as I raised my head, "Damien, I can't force you to love me and neither am I trying but all I want to know is, is Claire the reason you won't see me romantically? Or is it because I'm not rich like her? Is that why you were so angry?"

My voice shook with pain and my throat felt stiff. My eyes burned and stung with unshed tears as I roughly and anxiously scuffed my hands.

Damien instantly stood up and walked over to me, grabbing my arm to stand me up. I didn't resist, just got up and looked in the other direction. My hands hung in the air and I didn't touch him either.

"Yes, that is the reason. Acacia, you aren't my type and of course, you are nothing like Claire. I can't see myself loving a foolish girl like you"

That hurt so bad.

He is horrible!

A tear broke free and ran down my cheek as I looked at Damien. His eyes were soulless but his lips held a smirk.

I blinked a few times to process what he said and then he spoke, "And you were wondering why I touch you or act nice, right? Darling, I am a man. If a girl sleeps next to me, hugs me randomly and kisses me voluntarily, imagine what I'd go through. Tough, right? It's just an act, why would I ever be nice to a girl like you?"

He shrugged and chuckled, rubbing the ring of my wrist.

My face scrunched up in disgust as I pushed Damien, "You are disgusting, Damien. Utterly disgusting. How can you ever, ugh, Damien! You're messed up!"

Messed up big time! He's just as disgusting as a cockroach. Filthy!

I yelled and ran outside the room. I could hear Damien laughing as I ran down the stairs. My vision was blurry from all the crying.

How could I even like him? If I knew what he thinks about me, I would have never gotten married to him.

Better later than never, Casey, leave him now.

"Where will you go, Acacia? To Matthew? To your parents? For how long? You'll have to come back anyway" Damien rasped in the background and I picked up my pace.

Ewwy, me no likey!

I saw Stacy standing at the end of the stairs, her face pale and shocked.

She heard everything, didn't she?

I hastily wiped my tears and gave her a small smile, "Oh, hi Stacy.."

If she finds out anything, she'll tell mom and dad. That will just be a huge mess.

"A-Acacia, are you alright, sweetheart?" She asked, enveloping my body into a hug.

I miss mama!

I sniffled lowly and hugged her back, "I'm perfectly fine, Stacy. Don't worry about me."

"Did Damien sir yell at you?" My body stiffened and I shook my head.

She needs no deets.

Thank God, she knows nothing. At least, Damien doesn't talk loudly. She probably heard me yelling though.

"We.. We were just playing a game, Stacy.. And Damien was pretending to be mean so.. I got angry and yelled at him, no other problems"

What a genius way. Even a four-year-old would know you're fibbing.

I ended with nervous laughter and she smiled and pulled away, patting my shoulders.

I guess she's even more gullible then.

"Damien sir really loves you, Acacia"

Hah, sike!

My smile dropped and I nodded, "Yeah.. Uh, Stacy? Would you please tell me where Tristan lives? I uh. I have to meet up with him"

Hottie 2.0! My favourite! Go away, Monster Damien.

Stacy looked like she was in deep thought and then she walked over to the foyer.

I could see her finding something in the drawers and within minutes, she walked back to me and handed me a chit.

Scavenger hunt?

"Acacia, this is Tristan sir's address, if I clearly remember but you can still confirm it with Damien sir"

Oh no, I have pledged to never talk or look at Damien.

Since when!?

Now, since now!

I just shook my head and said, "D-Damien is sleeping. Uhm, I'm getting late, Stacy.."

I gave her a side hug and before she could speak, I ran outside.

She'll find you weird, you hugged her more than three times already. Weirdo.

Wait! What about the anonymous texts? Will you let that die? I mean if you won't ask Monster about it, then it will remain a mystery!

I'll just ask Tristan to look into it.

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It didn't take very long to reach Tristan's house because he lived surprisingly close.

I don't know if I am doing the right thing but I can't stay with Damien knowing how he thinks about me.

I know Tristan won't hurt me.

You said the same thing about Damien and Bimbo Matthew too.

I sucked in a deep breath and tried to find the doorbell but to no avail. I then knocked thrice on the glass door and took a few steps towards the plant pot to the left.

Who knows what pops out.

You're just being paranoid.

"Ugh, who the fuck is it? I'm busy. I swear, Samantha, I don't wanna get back with your sorry ass!" Tristan yelled from behind the door and I rolled my eyes.

Who is Samantha now?

I then kicked the door with my foot-

And it hurt, you doofus!

"Tristan! I'm not your girlfriend! I'm your best friend's wife! Soon to be ex-wife!" I yelled and the people walking by gave me weird stares.

"Must be Tristan's ex or one night stand." An ultra hairy man behind me cackled and I swirled around, crossing my arms in front of my chest as I tilted my head.

I am sure I said best friend's wife, are they deaf?

Oh, hottie casey is back in business.

I smiled sarcastically and said, "No, I am not his ex nor do we share anything intimate."

No need to tell him anything!

He chuckled and his eyes moved from my head to toe. Gross.

"Seemingly decent, are you in a relationship?"

I raised my eyebrow at the man next to Mr werewolf: only because he's ultra hairy.

"Andre, just leave her alone, she's wearing a ring-"

"Ah, a love affair works too"

He did not just say that!

I raised my bag and the moment I was about to smack him, I felt an arm grab my waist and pull me back with force. A hand covered my mouth and the door slammed shut.

Which direction was I pulled in!

Please don't tell me I'm kidnapped again!

When did you ever get kidnapped? Drama queen.

"Mm! Leave me! My husband is a lawyer! He'll kill you"

Same line again? Dumbo.

I doubt Damien will help me this time, he hates me and I hate him back! He's gross. I will never take his help.

"Never knew lawyers could kill, but okay" The man chuckled and I yelled,

"No, he's not my husband. Forget him"

And then the hands moved away.

"What were you thinking, Acacia? Are you crazy? How can you smash the damn politician?"

I let out a sigh of relief as Tristan came in front of me. I put my hand on my chest as I said, "He was disgusting and.. And he was such a pervert!"

Tristan was wearing a plain white shirt and some denim jeans, pretty casual. His black hair was wet, he probably just showered.

Tristan rolled his eyes and walked to the, I think, kitchen.

Yeah, kitchen.

"Have a seat, Acacia"


I nodded and walked over to the off-white sofa.

The moment I sat down, I took in the sight. His house was neat and gorgeous. It was calm and spacious. The view of Los Angeles was just spectacular from his window. An oval coffee table is placed in the centre of the couches, adorned with some decorative bottles and props.

 A futuristic, fur-like chandelier hung from the ceiling and sunlight peeked from behind the sheer curtains, overall very comfy yet lush living room

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A futuristic, fur-like chandelier hung from the ceiling and sunlight peeked from behind the sheer curtains, overall very comfy yet lush living room.

His house is so pretty and light!

Tristan then handed me a glass of water and sat on the couch, next to me.

I drank the water before placing it on the table and turning to Tristan. His eyes held a look of curiosity but his face showed that he knows something.

"He didn't apologise, did he?" Tristan broke the heavy silence and I shook my head.

"Damien isn't like himself, Tristan. Rather than apologizing, he humiliated me" I whispered, pulling a grey cushion to my chest.

Tristan groaned and said, "I don't know what he's thinking"

"He's disgusting, Tristan. I.. I can't stay with him, I can't stay with a person like Matthew"

Thankfully, Tristan knew about Matthew. I had told him about him and I'm sure he understood, maybe that's why he's nicer to me.

Tristan looked shocked as he opened his mouth but closed it again before saying, "He hit you?"

Oh, not that way!

Instantly, I shook my head, "No no! He told me something about him being a man and that me hugging or touching him did something.. I mean Tristan, how can it? I'm literally his wife, can't I hug him once? And I was really upset then"

I pouted and Tristan cleared his throat, nodding.

"And then he said I'm nothing like Claire. I know I'm not rich like you guys but he's so mean. If he hates me so much, he should have told me nicely, like, Acacia, I hate you. Don't talk to me. That would have hurt less"

That would still be pretty heartbreaking but as you say!

I sank deeper into the sofa and Tristan looked down, "Acacia, you are nothing like Claire, he's right about that"


My jaw dropped to the ground and I looked at him like a gaping fish.

"You too! Gosh, you both are so mean!" I whined and tried to stand up but Tristan grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. Claire was selfish and annoying, Acacia, you're nothing like her. As far as money, it's nothing like that, not in a fucking million years. I'll see what's gotten into Damien, don't worry about it"

I nodded.

At least we feel a little better now? We can always eat chocolate and fix a breakup, or even better, ice cream!

Yeah, chocolate reminds me of Damien..

Tell him we're here to stay!

"Uh.. Tristan?" I called and he looked up at me

"Yes?" He asked, standing up and fixing his white shirt.

"Can I stay here?"

Once again, I failed. How many more times will I fail? I liked Matthew, and see where I came. I started to love Damien and he hurt me.

Why does affection only end up hurting me?

Maybe love isn't meant for me. 

Damien was pretty mean, right?

Maybe they won't end up together? Ok, just kidding, 

Tristan is pretty caring too.

Tristan is pretty caring too

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