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WARNING: if you're a homophobe don't read it! This story contains boys love or slashes, boyxboy, yaoi and anything like that!!

If you still want to read it, scroll down and enjoy!!!



" Sky? Baby? Can I come in" I heard my mom knocked the door. But as lazy as I am, I played dead.. haha, joke.. not the lazy part, you jerks. I covered myself with my oh so big and soft pillow. Then I heard my door opened.

" baby, I know you're awake, can I talk to you?" mom said with a hoarse voice.

" aurrghh, what is it mom?" I asked behind my pillow.. she took the pillow away.. " MOM!" I got up... it's so cold without my pillow... then I looked at her, what's with the facial expression mom? I don't like that view.. you're up to something..

"what's with you?" I asked skeptically with crossed arms

" u-uhm... ahem.. sky.. baby... you already know that our company is not doing well right?" mom started

" uhuh?" I agreed while nodding still crossed arms.. I know where this going.. just what I see in movies.. heck this always happen on movies... they're going to make me marry I very rich girl.. life sucks

" And your dad and I meet this friend, we were good friends and she is willing to be a partner, but there's a condition, and... uhm... you-youre g-getting... uhm" she said looking anywhere but me

"...married" I finished the sentence for her... then she nodded... uhg... can't my life get any better? But as good son as I am... "it's okay mom... once the company goes well, and if this effin' marriage won't work out, there's still annulment or divorce" I said with a shrug.

" ooohhh, my goodness!!! I love you son!.. I love you, I love you, I love youuuu...all the requirements for your marriage are done.. all you have to do is attend the wedding ceremony and say I do" mom exclaimed at me between kisses and hugs..

"okay mom, I have to go to school, you know... a graduating student here..."

"right.... the wedding starts at 6.. and oh, bring at least two witnesses! Maybe friends?.. and we won't be there, because of some matters... and here is the address. love yah..." she gave me a piece of paper where the address is written, then she kissed me in the forehead then run away

"WHAT!!!" I shouted, probably to myself... did she mean today? No way....


I woke up with an intense headache. Hangover. The party last night was a huge blast! I should commend Jessie for it. And, I got laid, three times! Hah! Screw my sexiness!. I don't even know those sl*ts. Well I won't mind recalling their names. Oh, I forgot, my mother is here in front of me, chanting whatever rants she could think of...

"... do you hear me Justin!, JUSTIN!!!" I winced, flopping back from reverie

" yeah mom I heard you... loud and clear" uhg... hangover sucks... I might take two advils..

" really? And what did I say?" she asked while her hands are on her hips. Mom, please get out of my room, please, you son has a hangover...

" uuhhh, eeerrrr... aaa, wh-what was that again?" I asked scratching my not so itchy head.

" oh god, what am I going to do with this kid" she said pinching the bridge of her nose " what I said was, I and my friend got into an agreement... I will take all, and I mean ALL of your cars... unless"

Married to You (boyxboy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now