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When I woke up, I knew something happened last night, not because I feel sore down there, but because I remember it all. Now, my head is resting in his bare chest with my hand resting loosely in his stomach and I can feel his abs, oh god, I really am gay. Somehow, I felt safe in his arms. I closed my eyes again. I'm really ashamed. I don't want to wake up anymore. Gah, was I really that naughty? I felt someone kissed my cheeks. "I know you awake, please show me those alluring brown orbs babe" but instead of fluttering my eyes open, I covered my head with the blanket. "heeyy, Sky, there's nothing to be ashamed of, come on look at me" what happened to my vow, not to drink again?! Yeah, that's right, they forced meeee. Oh my Gosh, Justin already devoured all of me. Call it overreacting, but I am!. I turned my back at him. I can't face him now. " Sky, come on, do you want to talk about it?" he asked hugging me from the back. I shook my head. I don't want to talk about it, EVER! "last night, y-you were amazing" shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, I can't hear you, lalalalala. "I hope you're not ashamed of it because I'm not" he grabbed my arm and spun me around for me to face him and he gave me a light peck on the lips. "I think I'm falling for you" He admitted. "b-but were both, guys" I countered. "I don't care, plus were already married so you don't have to be ashamed of, and maybe it's time to.... Ahem, uuhh, c-come out?" he said as we cuddle under our blanket. "nooooooo!!!!!, nooo, no, a big no, no" I said while shaking my head violently. He seemed hurt, maybe he got the wrong idea. "look, I don't want to die.... Your fans are going to kill me... Justin, plus I think we have to tell our friends first and If everything will be fine, that's the time we'll go public... and I have to hire police protection.. and" ............ " shhhh, haha, sky, your being paranoid, of course were going to come out to our friends first.... And as for the fans, I don't have fans"............. "you have!!!, there many of them!"....... " no babe, it's you who have so many fans" ugh, I slumped my head in his shoulder in defeat,...... but his fans would kill me. Then the door flung open revealing my four parents. Oh-oh... "oh my god! Sons! Were so sorry!" the four of them said in unison and closed the door back. "we have a problem, a big one" I announced.. "I know" he answered then he rushed to our cabinet, ooh that sexy naked butt, I bit my lip, oh my God. I really am so gay... he threw some clothes for me to wear.


OH MY PineaplesSstrawberriesMangoesBananasandallfruitsintheworld. Sky and Justin are going to kill me!!. I got 10, 000+ comments on my facebook status last night!!

_____: oh my they're sooo cute

: kyaaaa, they MUST end up together

: I love Justin! I love sky! But they love each other!!, ugh, support them J!!!!

: eww, they're gay?

: don't you eww, there... effing *sshole... there look good together!!!

: hey, are those, WEDDING RINGS? Fangirling mode*

And many more comments

Now that looked at it, Justin is wearing a ring similar to Sky's wedding ring! oh no... they're really going to kill me!!!. It's not my fault!! I was drunk!!,

Last night, I posted 4 photos! One is where Sky and a guy kissing during their wedding.. the guy is similar to Justin. Is it really him?. the second one is Justin and Sky hugging backstage, when they met!.. and third one is , hmmm, right! This one is when Sky spat water from his mouth on me! He is coughing and Justin is caressing his back.. and the fourth one is when sky is sitting on Justin's lap and he looked like kissing his neck!!!!!!..... oh god, they're going to kill me... worst... they are going to be the talk of the town given that both of them are famous... how about at school?... oh no..... I've been calling sky, but maybe he is still asleep. My phone rang, and it read 'Jamie calling' I answered it...

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