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Sky's POV

"A-Are you going to leave us?" Miranda... My 'mother' when I was suffering from amnesia, said. I came here in their house and told them everything.

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked them. Honestly, I don't see any reason why. They even dragged Tyler to it.

"B-because, th-the doctor said it" Miranda said while sobbing.

"Huh? W-what do you mean?" I asked. Gerald went to her and soothed her. "Miranda, I think it's my turn to talk..." he said and mother just nodded whipping her tears.

"Son, come here" he said ushering me to sit with him on the sofa. "Look", he started.

"We have a son, his name is Jaden..." that's me? I almost asked him but he continued.

"... but a car accident killed him. When he was still in the ER, you were in the other room. The doctor said our son.... Our son...." He quivered as he held my shoulders firmly trying to stop his tears.

"... he... he's gone.... We were lost and didn't know what to do anymore, we want our son back... We were desperate..." He said between his sobs. Why? Why is this happening to people I love? Why do we have to suffer. I felt hot liquid flowing on my cheeks as I cried with them.

"... we discovered that you have amnesia... and no one was there to claim you as their family, so we decided to redeem our son in your presence... the doctor told us that he will only allow us to take you and change your records if, if... if we are going to give you a boyfriend.... As I said, we were desperate, so we agreed... and he told us that it will make your condition worse if we forcibly tell you that you have amnesia..." We cried feeling the pain, again. Now I know. But that's strange, why would a Doctor do that?

"Son, please don't leave us... I know you have your family too... But please remember us, visit us... come here whenever you want too..." Miranda said. Even if they lied to me, I know they did not do it purposely, they just don't want me to freak out. I totally understand.

"Of course, momma" I said and hugged her.

"I love you son..." Miranda said...

"Dad, you are not going to join us?" I asked. He chuckled and joined us. Jaden Hameltonworl, wherever you are, I tell you, you are so blessed to have these kind of parents. And I am also blessed because I got the chance to be one of their son too.

"Oh, I remember, I am going to visit her next week and I'll be here with my husband"

"husband?" they simultaneously asked.


"Goodbye, SON!!!! Be sure to bring your husband next week okay!" Miranda shouted as I hopped in a cab.

"OKAY!!" I shouted from the windows.

I just realize, I am soooo lucky, I get to have four loving parents... oh-no 6 loving parents including Justin's. But, I have been thinking. Why would a doctor do that?

Carmela's POV

"Madam, I found another important information" the PI started.

"What is it Spencer?" I asked, while reading the files he gave to me.

"I found out that the one who operated your son Sky, is not a doctor" he said.

"WHAT?... I mean... what do you mean?"

"It is Professor James Sortier... He is one of the most wanted SCIENTIST because of his nature destructive inventions. He is the one who made a statement that 'I would change the flow of society'" He explained. Why! He operated my son? What if he did something that would... that would.... I don't even want to think of it.

Sky's POV

This is soooo upsetting! Why do I have to walk for a mile just to go home!... Honestly I am just exaggerating the 'mile' part. Urrgh. Apparently, the cab that I was ridding had a flat tire. The driver offer me a refund, but as good citizen as I am, I refused leaving me to suffer the looooong walk. This is so frustrating!

I sat on the bench to relax first. I leaned my back and closed my eyes. Hmmm, the air is so refreshing, I smiled.

"Got a good air here eh, son?" A man old voice spoke beside.

"Yeah, It's so refreshing..."

"Hmmm, it's good to have a young one like you appreciate the beauty and freshness of the nature" he said smiling at me.

"Hahaha... I'm not young... yah know, I am already married" I said, back to closing by eyes.

"OOww, who's the lucky guy?" He asked

"Guy? How did you know it's a guy?" I asked

"I just know it... by the way, I have to go now and be careful of pretenders okay, they are everywhere..." he warned

"hahaha, are you scaring me? Coz it won't work" I countered.

"Nope" he said and started to walk away from me.

"Wait!!!" I shouted and he stopped walking. "Uhm, what's your name?" I asked. Well it's creepy to speak with someone you don't even know.

"AAhh, It is James, son.... Once again be careful" He said walked away...........

EEEeeerrr, Creepy old man.

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