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shoutout to: THE BESTSSSSS









--Slave!, clean my room!—

--Slave!, wash my boxers!—

--Slave! Count my condoms!—

--Slave!, feed me!!—

-- Slave!, bathe me!—

Oh God... he is more than a KID!.. are you sure he is a grown up man? After the class ended, he dragged me to my house for me to get my things... and now, I'm here in his house or condo as a personal slave.... I can't believe it!.. Tyler told my parents that I'm staying in his crib and they gladly shove me into his car and waved bye, saying we need some time alone. He didn't even help me to get away with this mess with the monster instead he helped me get away from my parents a share a home with a monster? What if I get rape?... I'll be good with that... shut up!

"Slave! Come here!" now I have to suffer from this monster's wrath. Please Lord, let me wake up alive tomorrow. I prayed is a made my way to his bedroom where he is.

"What is it your highness?" I asked slightly bowing.

"come here, be my blanket" he ordered... yeah ordered... what if I say no? naaah, bad option, he might upload that embarrassing picture... blackmailing jerk!! Hmmm! Aha! Good idea!, I'll let him sleep and creep on his phone and delete the proof! I'm so brilliant.

"as you wish, your highness" I said before I jumped to the bed causing him to leap with the bed cushion... don't judge me!... I really like jumping before going to bed, and I really like to annoy him..ha! take that, your F-ing highness...

He chuckled and mumbled, "you never changed... just the eye and hair color"

"of course I never changed and my eyes and hair is natural, born with it" I said as I laid next to him. I felt arms around my waist and dragged closer to a body. I felt my blood cursing through my face as he hugged me from the back. How am I going to sleep?

"I said, be my blanket..." he whispered and I felt him smirking. Jerk.

"why don't you just use your own blanket a spare me with this?"

"you washed them, remember? Aaannd, don't you want it? You are the only who got the chance to sleep with this gorgeous body... everybody would kill to have a taste of it"

"too bad, I'm not everybody" I retorted but I bet he didn't hear that as I heard light snores from the king monster. I turned to face him. He looks like a sleeping hot angel but turns into a monster when he wakes up. I felt the urge to touch his cuuuute nose and loooong lashes. I raised my hand pointing my index finger. As my finger came closer to his nose, he snored louder which stopped me. I chuckled he is so cute.. I changed my mind he's NOT cute. You're joking right?. I'm certainly not. I turned facing the wall. Sigh. What did I get myself into?

Minutes later, I heard sobs. I sat up in alert. "sky, sky, please don't leave me, I love you.... Please *sob*...." Justin murmured between his sobs.

"shh, shhh.. it's okay, I'm here... don't worry" I caressed his arms and wiped the tears on his cheeks. His arms found its way to my waist and pulled me to him my hands on his torso. Oh God! Whoever this Sky is, is an idiot leaving him like a mess. I realized, he's hot, literally hot. I leaned the backside of my hand on his forehead feeling his temperature. He has a fever. What to do! What to do!!...

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