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you guys are sooo amazing...........



Tic toc tic toc tic toc... arrrrghh, damn! Annoying clock! I can't help thinking about my husband and whore-ever is this Blaze jerk. Tic toc tic toc. I plunked Sky's pillow over my face inhaling his addicting scent. OKAY! I'm done here! I rolled over the bed, got up, changed some party clothes, and looked at the mirror! Oh my! I'm gonna f*ck myself, so sexy Justin, no wonder why your husband is SKY. Huh? What's the connection with my sexiness to my husband? Back to Sky, I turned the GPS on, finding his location, and grabbed my car keys. GPS can be helpful sometimes.


Jamie parked his car along with other cars outside Damen's crib full of drunken and wild creatures ready to eat each other's faces. We got out of his car, but before we stroll to the noisy house,

"Give me your phone Josh" I held my hand out to Joshua asking for his phone. Well, I'm not even asking but I'm commanding. What if he will get drunk, then invade the comfort room, get naked, take a picture of himself with a hard on and pouty lips posing like giving the camera a flying kiss, upload then boom! Viral scandalous photo. Then he would be the headline in every newspaper with the title "'THE HUNTERS' MEMBER NAKED AND HOT". I don't want that to happen...

"yes mother" he said pouting and handing his phone... but before he did that, he gave his phone thousands of tiny kisses saying 'I'm going to miss you pal'

We entered the gates of hell, I switched my head to the right side, and I saw a swing, I wanna ride on that! Maybe later, Jamie said Chris is already here to check if it is safe to be here, wow! Were like gangsters! With one of the members is a lookout, pfft. I snickered at the thought, but I doubt they heard me with the noise they called 'music'. Don't get me wrong! I know how to listen to music, but this is killing ears. Before I realized Jamie is already knocking the door. Why is he knocking, when it is quite clear that no one is going to hear us? Surprisingly, the door opened revealing a steamy, hot, mouth-watering Blaze Clarkson. Honestly, I forgot I am married FOR A SECOND!

"YOU CAME!" he shouted over the noise with a wild grin and his blue eyes full of surprise, excitement, and love? Care? Lust? I can't grasp.

"h-hi" I said acknowledging him with a warm and worried smile.

"WHAT!! I CANT HEAR YOU!" he shouted again leaning forward closer to my face. Oh God, I thought he is going to kiss me. I'm quite relieved with a loud sigh. He realized that we are so close and pulled back. "OH! I MEAN UHM.. H-HAHA SORRY, COME IN! COME IN!" he said scratching the back of his head, maybe from the awkwardness.

Once I came in, I turned to Jamie and Joshua but wild girls already dragged them. I huffed. How could they! and they seemed to enjoy their night!

"HEY! SKY, WANT A DRINK!!" blaze shouted on my ears...

"NO THANKS, IM NOT ALLOWED!!" I'm really allowed, but I don't want to wake up, with some stranger in an unfamiliar bed and naked. I shivered at the thought.

"OH, SORRY... WANNA DANCE?!" he asked with a smile. Ugh! Why bother asking, when he just dragged me on the dance floor. Then he started jumping or dancing with the music. Oh, this guy can dance

Married to You (boyxboy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now