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"I miss you, babe" he said what?

" I- I'm sorry sir but I-I'm not your babe...You must have mistak..."

"No! You are my Sky... babe come back home please" he pleaded with tears streaming from his eyes. Nonono... don't use my weakness. If you didn't know, my weakness is seeing someone crying.

"h-hey s-sir please don't cry b-but I'm not Sky... I'm Jaden Hamelton" this is the worst first day ever!

"Please.." he pleaded again.

I stared at his hazel eyes. I just realized that this kissing monster is quite a looker; strong physique, tantalizing hazel eyes, long lashes, and flawless cheekbones saved by the cute jaw, perfectly formed soft pink inviting lips. Well, he kissed me, so I should know they were soft. To sum it all up, he is a mouthwatering sex god. What am I doing? I am certainly off the market and obviously, he is too. So why is he hitting on me? It was too late when I realized that his lips were on mine and I'm already kissing him back. Seriously, I think my lips have their own brain. I can feel something squeezing my stomach. Oh no! Maybe he has a decease and transferred it to me by kissing me! He tricked me! The door suddenly opened revealing the guy who sat beside the kissing-monster at our first period.

"Help!" I squealed before everything went blank. OHMYGOD! Has the virus already spread? Isn't it too fast? Does he really hate me that much to kill me immediately?


"Seriously, man! You just have him a trauma on his first day here!' Joshua erupted pacing back and forth here in the school clinic. For all I know, he is the laid-back one in Sky's group so why the change?

"Sorry" I said with my gaze on the floor. We heard footsteps nearing.

"Where is Jaden!' Tyler came and his eyes widened when he saw who he is looking for.

"OMYGOODNESS, baby... Jaden" he walked unto him and held his hands. My hand in turning into fist, huh! The daredevil himself came and I cannot even do anything about it. He does not even look worried when looked up to me.

" What happened?" he asked but I can see a glimpse in his eyes as if he is eye raping me. Now you call yourself his boyfriend?

"Ha-ha-ha... hey Tyler right? I am Joshua, at your service.... Why don't we go for a walk outside, you know? Little air and maybe walk you around the school, yeah?... it's too hot in here, if I may add" Joshua faked a laugh, flashing his white pearls to the daredevil while fanning himself. Seems like this guy has glue with him because the daredevil can't take his eyes off him. That's good then.

Nice one Joshua. I commended him internally. An Oscar's award should be given to him.

"S-sure, W-why not" Tyler accepted while smiling back at him flirtatiously, before going out. BITCH.

Staring at Sky's innocent face made my heart flutter in happiness. I held his hands feeling his soft skin. Why did he faint? The school nurse said it's because of the stress, but why does he have stress?


"I love you," the guy who I am cuddling with said before he kissed my forehead. Everything is a blur and his voice is echoing all over the room. We are both naked which I think is not a good sight but why am I cuddling with another guy? And who is he? Do I have eye problems? Because I can't see anything clearly. I blinked many times and my sight slowly became clear. I looked at the guy again, hoping to see his face clearly but his face is still blur.

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