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I walked through the halls with white tiles tears streaming from my eyes. People with white robes running to and fro. Why did this have to happen to us? We haven't done anything wrong – aside from stealing cookies from Mrs. Watsons house, our neighbor.

"Sky, we can get back here some other time if you want" Justin said with his hand on my arm and wiped my tears. I shook my head, no.

"No, I-I have to see them" He just nodded understandingly. Before we left home, he told me what happened to them. I said that would be great, because I really thought I would never see them again. But knowing them in coma, It's just like, them breathing yet dead really hurts.

Before we got into Jamie's room, we heard someone sobbing. "Wait, someone's inside" What if it is a bad guy? I leaned my ears to the door, and heard a voice of a man.

"*sob* please wake up, hon, promise I would never hit on anyone other than you... You know why I did that right? I just want to make you jealous coz *sob* I-I thought I don't love me" Oh my God, who is that guy? Maybe we got the wrong room, or they transferred Jamie to another room.

" I think this is not Jamie's room" I told Justin.

" that can't be, I've been here... they can't just transfer him, with his condition" he said, before opening the room revealing a guy crying on jamie's arms. He seems familiar, who is he?

"Blaze? What are you doing here?" Justin asked the guy. Blaze? Blaze, I don't remember any Blaze, gaaaah, I wish I have all my memories back.

"Oh! You're here!" he said instantly standing up and wiping his tears. "Aaaaah, I just, I just visited a schoolmate, is it wrong?" he asked. Schoolmate? I thought I heard him saying 'hon', and 'making him feel jealous'. What is that supposed to mean?

"but, I heard you saying hon" I asked

"ah! That? I was talking with someone on the phone" he said raising his phone. I glanced at the fresh flowers on the table. I am not stupid, but I'll just give him the benefit of the doubt. I nodded.

"seems like I have to go now, bye" he said and left the room. I walked beside Jamie's bed. I can hear the sound of a machine that keeps him alive. I held his hand and gripped it.

"don't give up Jamie, you can do it... we're here waiting for you" I said. Who the hell is the idiot who chopped onions here? seems like my tears won't stop from teasing me. Stupid onion chopping ninjas.

We stayed there for a few minutes before going to Chris' room.

"Uhm, Sky maybe I think I should go first, I have basketball practice. Are you okay here? I'll send you a driver, he will be here in few, okay?" I just nodded looking at Chris' face. He is so vulnerable. I felt a kiss on my forehead and heard footsteps going out of the room afterwards. I sighed.

"Chris, I hope you can hear me. You know, you already missed a lot of things, you should wake up now. *sniff*" I'm like an idiot here talking to a person in coma. But some people say they can hear you, it won't hurt trying, right? I decided to go after a few minutes.


I am walking through the school halls and seems like everyone's eyes are on me then whisper something to their then giggle. Oh God, it is making me feel like I have to be cautious in every steps I take. I noticed, where are the boys? I mean, I can only see girls. Hmp! It's not like I want to see boys, it's just kind of weird. Shrugs...

Then I saw Joshua from the corner, bringing a stem of rose. Hmmm, I didn't know Joshua is capable of bringing flowers. Haha. I remember when he courted Kisha, one of the cheerleaders, then he brought flowers for her but after a minute from purchase he threw the flowers coz he did not like the smell. Pfft, from re-imagining the scenario, I did not realize the Josh is already in front of me, smiling.

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