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dedicated to animelover1312... you're the best.....




WERE GOING TO HOLLYWOOD!!! Yeah! I can't help but feel giddy about the thought. OhMG... I'm going to meet Hollywood stars, singers, performers, actors... hot models... muahahaha, please don't tell Justin what you have read. I got out of Justin's car dragging my stuff with me.

"I still don't want you to go" Justin whined

"but I want to go... this could be our break!" I whined back and marching to the airport. He grunted and followed...

"Can I go with you?" He asked

"NO! I mean... how about basketball? Your teammates? Justin, I won't be long... we are just going to record our first album and fly back here, have s*x with you, and graduate high School... then we go to college"

"what if it won't go that way?"

"what way?"

"Sky..." I stopped from my tracks and turned to him, cutting him of

"Justin, if you are worried if I would cheat on you, don't be... I love you" I kissed him and he sigh... there is nothing to hide anyway... the whole world already know we are married. Thanks to Joshua, note the sarcasm.



"Justin, it's time to move on! We know you are hurting... we do to! Please don't do this to yourself... Please bring my son back, the Justin I used to know..." mom yelled on my eyes. I'm here on OUR bed, with lots of empty bottles of liquor everywhere, broken mirror, clothes everywhere. I didn't even have a shower for one week. To sum it all up, I'm a mess.

He's gone. He's gone. I should have tried even harder to stop him. Five months, five months since Hollywood took him away from me. Five months since the plane crashed. Five months since I lost my world. I started drinking, and even drugs. I stopped attending school. School— a place where you start to build your future. What's the use of attending those, if my future already died. DIED. I cried even harder thinking about that word. I felt small arms embrace me

"Why? Why does he have to die? Why him, mom?"

"ssshhh, honey, everything has a reason... but hey, his body was not found... there is a possibility he's not dead"

"Then maybe, Sharks already ate him... yes, Jamie and Chris survived but are in coma... that doesn't mean he is in coma too somewhere..." shestifled, she knew I am right.

"But that doesn't mean, you have to kill yourself... your three bestfriends missed you... they also dropped school... they are waiting for you, Justin... there are people who are worried about you... me, your father, friends... His parents were also hurt, but they are trying to cope up" His parents Carmela and Harry, I haven't seen them in a while

"fix yourself, go to school and start a new life... the enrollment in Jordan University is next week... think about it okay?... Gray, Jessie and Kyle want you to call them... I'm going..." She got up and kissed my forehead "and clean this mess...."

"mom!!" she chuckled and got out. Five months. How am I going to this without him? I stared at my phone on the bedside table, which I haven't touched since that day. I crawled and took it. 300 missed calls, 1000 messages... I didn't have time to read it all so I erased it and called

Gray... I hadn't talk to them and never did let them come here, and if they did, I did not talk to them, I miss those jerks... after two rings he picked up...

"Justin!!! Man, thank God you are still alive!" I heard some talk from the background, maybe Kyle... and I heard some shuffling "Justin! You ass! I am still mad at you for not talking to us for five months! Some friend you are!! How are you man!?" typical Kyle

"I need help... come over" I said, and hanged up not waiting for their reply. They want me back? Then they have to help me clean this mess.

Sky. I'll always love you, wherever you are.


Some of the Students were staring at me. Of course, they know why I stopped attending school last school year. They know everything. They also mourned with me, especially his fans.

"Justin!" Kyle screamed when he saw me.

"Are you sure about this man?" Gray asked once they got near. I just nodded not trusting my voice, looked down and bit my lower lip trying to stop the tears streaming from my eyes. A hand gripped my shoulders firmly. I looked up to see Joshua. He was in state of trauma for 2 months and had rehab for another 2 months. He gave me a sad smile and I gave him one too.

"Hey Joshua... you're transferring here?" Kyle asked, smiling like a fool from ear to ear.

"Yeah, the doctor said, it's better to have new environment... to make me forget it for a while" Kyle was about to say something when a loud blaring bell erupted. Haven't heard this noise for a while. We learned that we all have the same class. We settled at the back, and no one dared to talk to us, just stared. That's a good thing, I think. I rested my head over my crossed arms on the table. When I heard the professor came and said we have two transferees from another country. Blah, blah, blah...

"Hello everyone! My name is Tyler, hope we could be friends," this one sounds hyperactive. I did not look up. I don't care who the new kids are.

"okay, Tyler where is the other transferee? Aren't you with him?" the prof asked

"Oh! My boyfriend is coming! He just had a little fiasco because some students mistook him as another person... and wants some picture of him" woah, this guy's boyfriend must be an artist. Artist. Sky, I miss you.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" another guy's voice which is somewhat familiar yelled. I heard collective gasp from the students.

"Whatthef*ck" Gray said, shocked eminent in his voice.

"Holysh*t" Kyle mumbled beside me.

"ohmybitterlollipop" Jessie muttered.

"no way" Joshua whispered, enough for us to hear. Now I'm already curious, I looked up and saw a blonde boy standing beside the professor and another guy near the door. But that doesn't end there, am I hallucinating? my heart stopped beating.

"BABE! Took you so long" the guy who I think is Tyler whined. Babe? Boyfriend?

"Sorry, not my fault having a generic face, tsk" he said then walked closer the Tyler. Tyler kissed his cheeks. Kissed his cheeks! In front of the class, of the professor? I felt some eyes are on me. I don't care! I just stared at his face. His flawless face.

"okay introduce yourself young man" the professor ordered

"okay... Hi! My name is



I know you know WHO................

and yeah!! I'm starting to draft the book 2...... since sky is dead....?



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