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"Sorry, not my fault having a generic face, tsk" he said then walked closer the Tyler. Tyler kissed his cheeks. Kissed his cheeks! In front of the class, of the professor? I felt some eyes are on me. I don't care! I just stared at his face. His flawless face.

"okay introduce yourself young man" the professor ordered

"okay... Hi! My name is


"okay... Hi! My name is Jaden... Nice to meet you all" he said still smiling at everyone, then his gaze fell on my. It feels like a knife stabbed me fifty times when his face frowned. Does he hate me just by looking at me? Don't he love me anymore? He is Sky... I know he is Sky... not Jaden... His eye and hair color changed but I know it is him. Why? Why does he have to cheat on me? Why does he have change his name? for us not to track him?

"ahem, okay you may sit now... ideally in front of Mr. Grimwood"

"wait! Did you just say Grimwood? One of the richest family on earth?" Tyler gushed jumping. Professor xxRockstarxx1 pointed my direction.

Sky sat in front of me, and Tyler beside him. I want to kiss him, lounge into him, and do whatever I want to him. His now dark brown hair facing me and our nearness is suffocating me.

"animelover1312 can I borrow a pen?" I called the one front of sky and I bent forward to reach animelover1312 but my real motive is to be near to sky. I turned my head to the left and kissed his cheeks. Nobody knew, it's my new tactics. With a smirk plastered on my face, I sat back. You don't love me anymore? I'll make you love me again! Just watch me Sky or Jaden or whoever you want to be. Even Tyler doesn't know who is busy flirting with the other guy beside him. He stiffed once my lips landed on his cheeks and turned to me with wide eyes. His once green eyes were now deep blue enticing orbs.

"hi!" I greeted wearing my biggest smile. He frowned and said.

"have we met before?" why can't he remember me? I frowned. I can feel their gaze on us, even the professor's. Apparently, they all know about us.



Why am I mistaken to be someone else?! Can't they understand? I.AM.JADEN.... NOT SKY... who is this f*ckin' sky? Yes I have an amnesia, but that doesn't mean I am not Jaden! I should bring my birth certificate tomorrow and shove into their faces. And also bring my cute baby picture. Yes! It's cute... don't judge me. And this guy at my back is so aggravating, I can even feel his stare. Maybe he is creating a hole in my head using his super-glare powers! Oooh, then maybe he can cure my amnesia, and prove to them that I am not sky.

To top it all, he kissed me! He kissed my cheeks in front of my boyfriend! How dare he! I looked at Tyler to see his reaction but he is busy flirting with someone beside him. Maybe Tyler is not really my boyfriend. After I got out from the hospital because of a car accident that drained my memories, he approached me claiming me as his boyfriend. Maybe the reason why I am not attracted to girls is that I'm gay. But that's beside the point. How could he do that in front of my "self-proclaimed-boyfriend". I looked at him wide hazel eyes, and now he is digging holes in my deep blue ones. He said something but I didn't hear it. He has a strong physique, like a model, but there is something in him that is peculiar.

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