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this is just a short UD...



2 weeks after that issue, some still believes that we really have a relationship and we are boyfriends! And it doubled when they saw having that family dinner, I didn't even know where they got those pictures, but we reasoned that its only for family business. Thank GOD the death treats subsided, coz if not, I won't be hear at school. And ooohh, we also had a loonng explanation to our friends about this husband thingy.

The band is having its leisure time at school's garden. Well, we are brainstorming what song we will be playing this Friday.

"Sky, how about this song?" he showed me his tab and saw "millionaires - the script" . I chuckled when I remembered what we did that night!

"it's okay"

"Sky, daydreaming about your husband! Focus!" jamie ordered

"I am not! I ju.." I tried to defense but someone spoke from the back.

"Sky! HI! Uhm, we are just thinking if you could hang out with us tonight. Damen is throwing a party!" Blaze, the school's basketball captain.. wait is he blushing? Oh yeah, I heard about that too.. the school's party animal, Damen...

"ooh, uh hehe, s-sorry but I can't...."

" come ooonn, this is the only time we can have some fun together!" Jeremy, one of the players.

I looked at the band. But they mirrored my expression. Why would they want to hang out with us? I mean, after three years in this school, why now?

"o-okay, but we won't stay long" Joshua replied hesitantly. I looked at him surprised. Why did he accept it? He just shrugged. Gosh!... I should confiscate his phone before he could drink. After all that happened, who would know what he'll do next with his phone!!

"great!! See you there tonight!!" Blaze exclaimed. And kissed my cheeks before they walked out. Did he just kiss my cheeks?

"he just........" Jamie started

"kissed you" Chris continued.

"does this means he has a crush on you?, what would your husband say about this" Joshua said.


__time skipped__

"where are you going?" Justin asked the nth time, while I'm browsing myself in the mirror. Do I look good? Wait, why do I have to look good? You're going to a party, remember? Oh yeah, shut up.

"hanging out with friends" I answered shrugging. I mean, it's no big deal... I'll just go there and hide in the corner hoping no soul would see me then go home. Perfect plan right? Get a life. Oh shut up inner voice, I don't need you.

"can I go with you?" he asked.

"you know we can't be seen in public, remember? Issues? And stuff?" I said turning to him who is sitting at the end of the bed, while rolling my eyeballs. He sighed.

"tsk, okay, but! Sky Grodman-Grimwood, don't you dare cheat on me... hey where is your wedding ring!" he said pointing at me like a father lecturing his child. He's been acting like a real husband! He IS your husband, idiot. Of course he'll be possessive towards you!. Shut up. It still stings hearing the word "husband", but I live with it.

"it's here mister, safely hanging on my necklace, near my heart..." I said gesturing my necklace to him. I can't wear this on my finger though. It would cause another issue.

"oh, okay... need a ride?"

" no, jamie's coming to fetch me.. and don't wait for me... you need a luxury of time to rest... your game is approaching right?" I said, fixing my hair

" but I can't sleep without you beside me" he pouted. Oh no don't give me that cute face.. ugh, how could a steaming hot lad can be cute at the same time!... I was gawking, drooling at the face of my husband when someone knocked. Finally! my senses came back, thank you, whoever is behind that door. That must be Jamie. I gave Justin a quick peck on the lips and practically running to the door.

"hey!" jamie greeted..

" don't hey me.... Come on let's get this over with... gaaahh, I'm going to kill Joshua for this... wait, is he already at the party.. ohmygod come on!!! We have to confiscate his phone!" I said shaking him

"woah, woah... easy... joshua's in my car waiting.. what's with the mood? Are you experiencing moodswings? Are you pregnant huh? Sky? Tell meeee.. how could you! How could you cheat on meeee" he said and dramatically kneeling on front of me. Oh no, he's starting it again with his fake drama. I should have told him to audition for Oscars.

"I'm sorry dear, but don't worry I have twins inside my tummy, and you are the father of one of them" I played along.

" then who's the father of the other one?"

" uuuuhhh, hhhmmm, oh! I remember! The guy who raped meeeee"

"ooooooohhhh, I know one rapist!! It's Joshua right! He raped youuuu!!!... oh well, whoever is the good-looking between the twins, that's mine......OUCH!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR" I hit the back of his head

"can we just go now?"

"ha! Excited to see you prince charming? Oh my dear Blaze, come to meee....oh hey wait, I'm not yet done!" a dragged him to the elevator... he can be a pain in the ass sometimes.


" who is Blaze?" I asked myself. Call me a creep but this is my husband we are talking about. And yeah, I can practically hear them from here. I only know one Blaze in their school. And that's my archenemy, Blaze Clarkson. I hope he's not the Blaze they are talking about.

Here comes Blaze!!! O-oh, love triangle alert!!

© Seductively_Innocent

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