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I woke up, with a very sore body. ugh. What happened? Yeah right, I drank because of that last minute groom shower. Wait, what happened in the wedding ceremony ? I think they cancelled it. Hah! I wonder who my bride to be is. gaaahh, my hangover is effin' killing my whole body!!

" aaauugghhh" I grunted before deciding to sit up. Ouch, why is my body really sore? Did I get into a gang fight when I was drunk? Then that explains the little bruises all over my body. Bruises?  Doesn't look like one. What really happened? All I remember is, the band got into a bar, for a groom shower, and then I don't remember anything after that. I roamed my eyes around the room. Hey, this not my room, not a hospital either. Then where am I? WAIT, why am I naked!?

"uuuhhggggmmm" I heard someone groan beside me and  moved. I gasped. Oh God, this only means one thing. I got laid last night. Waaahh, I lost it!! I lost my V-sign to a girl I don't even know and I ditched my wedding! Oh no, mom won't be happy with it. I turned to see, a....

A guy? And what is he doing here? What are we doing here?

" AAAAhhhhhhhh!!!!" I heard someone screamed. And that someone was me.

" aaaahhhh!!!" he screamed too. He stood up revealing his super junior.

" WHO ARE YOU!!" I shouted grabbing the nearest solid thing I could smash in his head if ever he intends to kill me.

" wait, wait, wait, Sky let me explain!, and why are you naked!?" he said while shielding himself with his hands. how did he know my name? but the thing is,

"and why are you naked too!!" oh Gosh. Nothing happened, right? I mean we're both guys... he looked down and grabbed the blanket covering me. I grabbed the nearest pillow to cover my sanity.

"I don't know! But-but who cares! We're married!" what? Married? Me? Him? He must have read my expression "okay I'll explain everything, but first let's get some clothes..." right... I decided to get up, but failed and fell. What the hell!

"What did you do to me!! My ass hurts!" I glared at him

"What?, I don't know what happened after we got here" he said, with hands in the air for submission. I've been really thinking about the worst-case scenario. I didn't know that trying to wear jeans is really that hard, when your ass hurts like hell! We settled in the dining table with cups of coffee in our hands. I winced when my ass landed on the seat, then slowly settled.

"a-are you okay?" he asked thoughtfully but I didn't mind that

"Explain" I demanded with crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, first of, were married.... Heck I didn't know Sky is a name of a guy?"

"Don't start with my name, but who are you? And why are we married?" I, married to this guy? A GUY? and I don't even know his name... and worst, I THINK we slept... ugh... he scoffed

"you don't know me? Nevermind, its J-Justin Grimwood... and our parents arranged it all" a Grimwood huh, no wonder mom chose this kid... but a guy? I don't get it

"Then why were we naked? This morning?" please tell me nothing happened..

"I don't know.... When we got in this condo, you ran off to the bathroom, maybe to throw up because you were drunk. I was a little thirsty so I got a bottled water from the fridge, then I realized it was not water... and then...." He gasped, as if remembering something "...... oh no, oh god... no way" he looked at me, wide  eyes.... Don't tell me " I think.... I think.... I think... we... we... did it"

" no way" it was all could muster. I felt my eyes started to water.

" hey, hey, does it really hurt that much, hey I'm sorry I didn't, I didn't" he walked closer to me, and sat beside me and embraced me rubbing my shoulder as if it would sooth me, and it did a little.

Married to You (boyxboy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now