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"heeey,Jaaaadeeeen" Tyler called me in a sing-sang tone while ushering himself in my room.

"what?" I asked in annoyance. I am thinking of ways how to break them apart. Yup. Them means Justin and Joshua. They are not meant for each other! Okay, I know I sound weird, but come on; Justin is for meee. MEEEE. MINE, and now, Tyler is here impairing my focus.

"Woah! Don't you dare snap at me Mr." he said while standing in front of me with hands on his hips; Not cute at all!

"What do you want Tyler, I'm busy" I said softly. I know he got the hint of sarcasm in there.

"oh yeah, busy for what, fantasizing Justin's body all over you? By the way, there's a party..."


"What?! I'm not even finished!"

"No... no means no"

"What if I would say, Team JJ will go there, yah know... have some fun, get drunk then go to a room and...."

"shut up! I'll go... happy?" this guy... he always use team JJ as a bait. Team JJ; Justin and Joshua... hmm, I'll replace that with Jaden... Ha!

"Yay!" he squealed before running to the door. "Oh! One thing, Use your flirting art to get Justin... good luck!.. Oh! And don't worry about Joshua, I'll handle him for you" he winked at me before he jumpily got out.


Two hours passed since the party started. Meaning, it has been two hours that I am moping here. Never in my life have I realized staring battle with a flower is this fun.

"need a drink?" I squinted at the man's voice that I don't recognized amid the noise and automatically regretted for looking. Joshua's aura emanating to my body and it's not good. Definitely, not good. He is very charming for a guy. No wonder he ended up with Justin. That's why I don't like him. Hmp! I shook my head, no. There is no way he will intoxicate me, see my flustered self, and badmouth me to Justin. And where is Tyler when you need him? Busy grinding his petite body with a Godzilla

"awww, that's too bad... coz, your drinking.... Here" he offered a red-brownish liquid.

"what's this?" I asked. What if he puts a drug on it? Oh my God, he is going to drug me then assassinate me then throw me to the dungeon and feed me to the lions.

"that's just tea... don't worry" he casually said, waving a hand at me. He said tea right? How could they offer tea in a party? Maybe that's what makes it 'unusual party'. I shrugged sipping the tea.

"eeeww, glrrr, what kind of tea is this?" a gagged at the taste, burning my stomach in the process. EW.

"teaaaa-quila... hehe" that's it! I lost patience with this guy! I stood up attempting to charge at him but to no avail; appallingly losing my balance, butt landing on... someone's lap? Now what?

"Hey Justin, good you're here, I think he's drunk, can you escort him upstairs?" LIAR! I am definitely not drunk! Now he is damaging my image.

"youuu liarr, I'm nooot drunk!!"

"Josh, what did you do to him?" hah! See that? Justin defended meee. Yeeeeyy...

"But baaabe, I just gave him tea" LIE!! Huh, BABE my ass. I looked at Justin's arousing self. Yummy. I snaked my arms on his neck and laid my head on his MANLY shoulder. I sniffed his neck; his masculine scent tickled my nose makes want to giggle like a five year old. I want to lick his neck. Lick his neck, go! Someone said and so I did. And he groaned.

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