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"please don't kill me"

"huh? Babe, why would I kill you?" Wait, WHAT?

"Uhm, you must have been mistaken me as someone else... I'm no babe to you"

"What? Babe, stop that... wait why are we here? Is this our house?" He asked. What is he talking about? I glanced at his nametag and it says "Charles".

"Charles, I know you don't like me because of what I did to you... but you don't have to do this... plus.. I am no babe to you. "

"Oh! So Charles in is my name? I kind of forgot that..hehe... BUT... you are my husband! And the only thing that I remember is you baking a cake for me on our anniversary with me drinking wine while watching you!! So don't you ever deny it!" WHAT THE HELL IS HE TALKING ABOUT? It's like he lost his memories being a guard here and only remembers me that time. Wait, is it his last memory before I knocked him with the frying pan?

"Babe, please, what did I ever do to make you deny me? Am I bad in bed? Tell me?" what did I ever do in my past life to deserve this?

"come on, babe~~~" he sing sang and strolled towards me and ... about to kiss me! Kiss me..

"he-he-he.. wait wait wait wait... how the hell would you call me babe, you don't even know me" ha! Take it you bitch!

"I don't care what your name is, I love your eyes, you nose" he traced my nose. What the hell is he talking about. And why the hell am I still here? I should be looking for a freaking secret tunnel!

"your jaw" He then traced my jawline. The closer he gets, the more I realize how hot he is. Okay. What did I say?

"your lips..." I can smell his minty breath. Oh my God. Is he going to kiss me, really? His eyes, his eyes are manipulating me. I can't even move. I just felt his lips on mine. MOMMY! HELP! RAPE!

I heard someone moaned and that someone is me! What?

He pushed me the wall his hands exploring my back. He pushed me even harder and I felt the wall moved.

"Hmm, sh..hmm. stop!" Our lips parted catching our breath.

"what did I do something wrong?" He asked worried.

"No... it's just..." I turned around and pushed the wall even harder. FOUND IT! Wow! That was easy!

"Wow! You're a genius, Charles. Thank you *smooch*, thank you *smooch*!!"


I'm sorry Justin. I don't really hate you. I just don't even know why I even said that. Is it because of the pain, moodswings?

"baby, I am here. Please stay awake, okay" Justin is clutching my hand and so tense. Why is he tense?

"why are you so worried, the operation is not even started yet"

"you, you don't feel anything? You don't feel anything cutting you? Oops..." What?, someone is cutting me into half?

"w-what do you mean?"

"oh.. hhahaha, nothing nothing... I am just uhm..." we stopped when we heard a cry of a baby... my baby... our baby

"Justin, my..."

"Oh ho! Ho!... it's a boy!" the old man exclaimed

"Sky, it's our son... it's a boy" He said kissing my forehead. Our son. Our baby. Our life. What are we going to do after this?

"You! Wash this the baby, and put this thing in the nursery room, got it?"

"yes boss" I heard them. Thing? He just called my baby a thing. How dare he.

"Justin, save our son... Please, he's gonna take our son from us" I cried to him making sure the old guy can't hear me. He nodded.

"Now, you must be tired Sky. Let me handle this, okay?" I trust you Justin. Please save our baby. I thought before I fell into sleep.


"you see what he is doing? He is just flirting those guys! He is not even finding a way out!! Look, look, he is enjoying himself!!!" I'm gonna die here listening to Joshua ranting his jealousy. I mean, it is pretty clear he likes Tyler but why won't he even embrace it and confess to Tyler? Well, apparently Tyler is distracting the guys for us to run away to look for an escape

"look, now he is touching that guy's biceps! Such a flirt!"

"Josh, he is just doing it to save our asses, you see those muscles? We are no match to those, plus it's just three of us and there are five of them. Just control your temper" I patted his shoulders calming him however it did not do a thing.


"No but's Josh. Can't you see? Look at the way he smiles at them? That's not the way he smile at you" haha! I am the great matchmaker.. keke "And look, he is looking at us like he needs help, maybe he is waiting for you to rescue him"

"What?! Why did you not tell me that earlier!" He immediately rushed to those tugs. Gotcha.


HAHA!! Can you already feel it? The end of the story? If not, you're partly right. If yes, you are partly right.. hahaha


I so love you all guys... thank you so much for the support!!



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