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" Jeamie Gomez" The principal called out the graduates one by one for them to get their diplomas.

" Hayden Gonie" The principal called out another graduate. I held my husband's hand. What if he will get tripped on the stairway? The baby? Their safety. Okay now call me paranoid because this is one here is now crying his heart out saying that he will miss the principal, professor, the schoolmates he don't even know and the tables in the cafeteria.

"Justin Grimwood" I heard my name so I stood up. One thing is for sure, I saw an old man smiling and looking at my husband's stomach. What the hell? Or it was just a hallucination. Now the old man is walking to the one of the graduates. Now I am a classified paranoid.

" Sky Grimwood, I- I mean eer, Grodman... I mean ah yeah whatever, come up here" Now it's his turn. Some of the students and guests giggled and chuckled. We shared smiles as we met halfway.


"OMG, you are graduates, now. Kyaaa. My baby has already grown up and building his own family" My mom exclaimed and hugged me. Geeeez, what's up with moms these days?

"Uhm excuse me" A heard a guy from the back. I turned and saw one of the graduates with the old man holding a camera.

"UHm, I'm really a fan of yours. Can I take a picture with both you and Sky?" He said

"SURE!!" Sky exclaimed from my back and almost slipped which made my protective flexes work on its own.

"be careful," I said in anxiety and he just rolled his eyes at me. What the... if he is not pregnant, I'll definitely smack him.

"You're acting a bit too protective, don't you think son?" the old man commented and not it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"of course... because he is pre.... Pre... pretty?" oh wow, that was close.

"I thought you were gonna say pregnant... hahaha... That would be too impossible, right son?" the old man commented like he know something... Who the hell is he?

"And what do you mean pretty... I'm not pretty, I'm a guy..." Sky argued and snubbed.

"Okay.. okay... so who wants the picture now?" I changed the subject. This old man smells fishy.



We went home to celebrate our graduation. Our parents are now in our living while Justin and I are in our room. I don't know why, but I feel something good will happen today aside from us and our friends graduating.

"Hey, what are you thinking?, seems like you are bothered" I asked Justin. He is becoming protective and anxious, earlier or shall I say since we found out that I am pregnant. I mean, I am not saying that it's not good, but it's way too much. Like he won't let me eat myself. Come on, I'm not a paralyzed person, I can move my hands properly, Duh. But that's beside the point. The point is, he is acting abnormal.

"Just something I can handle... I.." he spoke when my father came in, in urgency.

"THEY'RE AWAKE!!" he exclaimed.. Who's awake?



I can hear our fast footsteps as it continuously thud the tiled floor of the hospital. Jamie and Chris, were almost there, just wait for us. "Sky, don't run!" Justin held my hand. I am not running, duh, I know how to take care of my child. I was just walking fast.

"Jamie, Chris! Were here....!!" We shouted as we enter their room. Yep, their room. Their parents decided to merge and put them in one room. Joshua is already here, their parents and also that Blaze guy whom I don't really remember.

They (Jamie and chris) just smiled at us... Of course, they can't talk, move, or even hear. They have been in coma for months. Duh... Good thing now that they can smile.

"Bro! you know what, I have really really, big news for you two" Joshua started to our two friends who are blankly staring at him acting out what he just said. Pft, I hope they understand him.

"Sky is pregnant!!! Can you understand me??? Pregnaant, preeegnant" He said while drawing a big circle in his belly and acting like he is carrying a baby.

"Shut up, Josh... They still can't hear you. Idiot" Said Kyle who is now munching the apple that is not for him.

"But, but they can see me, right? Right???" He said while waiving his hands to the both of them.

"Ahemmm... I'm really glad that you are all here for our son... But there is one thing I want to clarify... Sky, are you really pregnant?" Jesica, Jamie's mother asked.

"Uhmm, y-yeah.... Don't ask me how and why because I also don't know" I said. And they just nodded.

"Oh! Oh! I know how it happened!, you guys had sex!! That's what happened, then there! Vooila!! BABY!!!" Joshua said while raising his hand and everyone laughed.

I felt something funny inside my stomach and something tells that I have to puke to all out.

"Uhm, excuse me, I have to go outside this will be quick" Justin threw a worried look at me

"I'll go with you" He said

"No, I'll go there alone.. And don't you dare follow me" I said and smiled 'Im okay' at him.

I ran through the halls to the nearest restroom and vomit everything out. Oh God, this is so frustrating. Why can't the baby just come out and be healthy? I giggled at the though, I am a bad daddy.

I walked to the faucet and washed my face to refresh myself out. As I wiped the water on my face with a towel, I felt something chills on my stomach. Like my baby is warning me something, not good.

"Hmm, having a good time son?" A familiar voice spoke behind me. I turned to see the old man from the graduation ceremony.

"What are....." I started but he put a towel on my mouth and I inhaled something smelly and everything went black.... Justin, help.



I have a feeling something bad is happening. I can feel it, the chills and the nervousness. Wait where is Sky, he should be back here by now. It's already about half an hour since he left.

"Hey, Justin don't you think Sky is long gone now?" Gray asked. That's what I thought too. Oh God

"Justin!!! It's Sky's shoe!!! I found it in the restroom!!" Jessie exclaimed when he came from with a shoe in his hand. Oh God. I knew it!!! I shouldn't have left him!. Sky please be safe, I will be there for you, just wait for me.







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