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shoutout to SoulOutbreak !!!


I am here at the supermarket buying something to fill our fridge. When I bumped into something, or someone. "oh, im sorry" I uttered.

"no, it's okay" she said then turned to see me and to my surprise, she's my ex-girlfriend turned good friend. Jackie.

" oh my gosh, justin! It's you! How's life?" she said excitedly. She is the only ex-girlfriend I never banged, and I like to leave it the way. We were good friends, yes.

"jackie!, im good. How are you?" I said as I put some potatoes in my cart.

" well, I'm happily married!" the she showed me her wedding ring. And as if on cue a cute girl came, then snaked her arms to jackie's waist and kissed her on the lips, ON THE LIPS. Oh my- what the hell? Jackie?-. my, ex-girlfriend?-. a lesbian?-. I had a relationship with a lesbian?

"babe? Who is he?" the girl asked. Jackie glanced at me.

" Shane, this is Justin, an ex and a good friend. Justin this is Shane, my wife"

" oh, so your one of her victims.. ahahaha.. by the way, hi nice to meet you Justin" the girl extended her hands at me smiling

" woah, I never expected this... nice to meet you too" I shook her hands, smiling. It's good that I'm not the only one undergraduate student who's married...to the same sex.

"what, you never expected me to marry a girl? Or marry even if I'm an undergraduate?"

" of course to marry a girl... you were too girly... but nevermind congratulations!!! And don't worry, I'm married too"

" thanks, but you are married? How? Who?"

" oh want to come to my place? My partner would be glad to meet you both"

"sure" the both of then agreed. Time for payback, haha... I'll surprise you too...


We're dead meat. I hope Justin would come back alive and in one piece. When I was checking my account I saw some greetings and many death threats. I closed my account, I can't take to read more, the main door opened. It might be Justin. I got out of our room then run to the door, I have to tell him the news so that we can evacuate now! We have to leave this place before we get killed.

"Justin!! I have to...." I stopped form my tracks when I saw Justin with two lasses, is that Shane?

"hey baby.. Come here" he walked towards me then kissed me. Why did he do that! In front of two ladies!, In front of my ex! Shane is my ex, but before I could introduce her to the band, she told me she's a lesbian then broke up with me. After that, I never had interest with girls anymore. He placed the groceries on the kitchen table, then came back.

"A-are you gay? Wait you're married to him" the both of them said in unison.

"yes!! Just like you two" Justin answered.. I was left dumbfounded. What? And why is he telling them these things?

"Sky, long time no see... and congratulations" Shane said and winked at me. WINKED AT ME!

"you know each other?" Justin and The other girls

"She's my ex"

"wow, great we are married to each other's ex's, this is so cool!" the girl shouted. Does that mean she's Justin's ex?... 

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