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"how dare you barged in here without my permission" James gave us his ugly smirk

"Because that's how daring we are" Tyler commented and rolled his eyes.

"I don't know how you got away with my guards but no worries, I'll call them for you" He pressed the red button on the wall and called "guards!"

"There's no one there, they are all sleeping. " Jessie said with his hands on his hip. James stopped

"Oh, Kinky" He commented but anger mirrored in his eyes.

"Yep, and we will do the same thing to you" Joshua said as he pointed the gun to scientist

"Woah, okay... Do that and we will all die"

We shared looks and James just laugh.

" I have planted a bomb on myself and if my heart stopped beating, it will explode after hhhmmmm, 5 minutes... you will die with me" Casper gasped. Why would we have to worry It's not like he has to die. He will just go into sleep.

"Justin no" Casper whispered. " He will put into sleep but it will stop his heart in a second, we can't risk it"

"Okay, then we will do it the hard way" Kyle said as we surrounded him and he just chuckled. "You know if I also push this button we all die here?" He said showing us a device with a red button and number 1 2 and 3. "Make at least one step closer and all of us are dead"

I feel Casper nudging me. "What" I whispered

"Shoot him" He whispered back. No, we only have few minutes, and we have to find my son. What if all of us will die? I shook my head – No.

"Now now, all of you get out of here, or I'll push this button" said the scientist turned into a suicide bomber.

" You can't scare us, dimwit"

" Really? Let's give it a try" He pressed one and the back part of the house exploded. Shit! He's not joking.

"Justin, 5 minutes is enough for us to get Sky and run out from this house"

"How about my son?"

"We don't have a choice, Justin... It's either ALL of getting will die or...." He stopped not knowing how to put into words that my son will die. How about Gray? Oh my God, where the hell is he?

"GET OUT! Or alll of us will die!" I took one step out of this room but Casper grabbed the watergun from me and shoot him. What the fuck.

"Ow!" He lost his gripped from the bomb remote. Kyle and Jessie got this chance to tackle him and get the bomb.

"What did you do!" I pushed Casper harshly

"We will find the baby!" Tyler and Justin rummaged outside the room.

"We don't have time to fight here! let's get Sky!" Realization hit me, we only have 5 minutes. We run to the operation room and found the husband sleeping peacefully. I'm sorry sky.

The mansion shook Signaling that it is about to explode. I took sky carefully not damaging his cut from the surgery.

"Come on! Follow me" Casper screamed.

We ran through the hallways with Kyle and Jessie tailing me. I almost tripped when the ground shook again. How many minutes have we consumed now? Where are Justin and Tyler? Have they found my baby? And gray, did he already get out of this mansion? Many thoughts filled my head as we ran until to the mansions garden and ran towards that gate.

"FASTER!" We heard Casper screamed as we stepped out of the gate before a big explosion erupted from the house. We turned to only seeing it burned. My son, Justin, Tyler and Gray.

Where are they?

Silent filled us as I fell into the ground still carrying my husband. My son. My friends. I silently cried for the lost that have now.

"No" Jessie muttered as we cried for our lost. I turned at Casper glaring at him and he stared at the mansion shocked.

"This is all your fault!"

Married to You (boyxboy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now