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"Uhm, excuse me, I don't want to pop your bubbles but I think you should go now" said Casper and scratched his neck looking sheepish.

"Oh, right.." Justin stood up and bordering to carry me bridal style

"Nope, hold it right there... I can walk on my own" I stopped him with a stop sign on my right hand

" Sky I don't think you can walk or even stand" I tried standing up to no avail. What? I'm too tired. Seems like my baby took all my strength for him to grow. Bad baby! Ehehehe

"geeez, fine" I sighed and he carried me.

"Can we trust you?" I asked Casper skeptically. I mean he appears to be the right hand of the crazy old scientist. I can't just expect him to switch his table and be on our side.

He just shrugged "I know you don't trust me, but I can help..."

"I don't think, we have other choice..."


You think you can fool me? I know what you are up to... I smirked at myself looking at the monitor watching them trying to find a way out. Oh no no no. You can't get away that easy. 2 minutes left! Can't wait for it.


We just followed Casper in this maze-like house. Why would someone have a house where you wouldn't even know where the comfort room is. What if you can't take it anymore? You're gonna do your thing at the lobby?

"ow, oh my gosh, stop!" Sky yelled. Oh no, what is it this time? I felt something wet in my left hand. "I'm I'm... Ah!... I'm in labor!.. Ow... Oh my gosh" What! What! Wait, it's not even a month since he got pregnant. Is male pregnancy different from female pregnancy? Panic attacked me. What am I supposed to do? Where would the baby go out? I am pretty sure it is not in the front.

"Oh my God.. what are we gonna do?" Casper asked, alarmed. I also don't know.

"Ah! Oh my god! Justin... It's coming out! Ugh.. bad baby!" Shy shrieked, clutching the BIG baby bump. Oh my God.

"well, well, well, what a shame you never got the chance to escape... now if you want your husband and baby alive, if I were you, I am going to give it to a professional... and that expert would be – ME" Says the genius, not! who popped out of nowhere with three bulging guards.

I stepped back as they walked towards us. Casper shielded us with his hands spread. "No, you can't touch them"

"Now your speaking up. What happened to your dad?! Don't you want him alive?"

Oh, so that's why he teamed up with this fool? Because of his dad?

"You can't blackmail me anymore, James. He's dead"

I felt Sky's grip on me. "Justin, let's get out of here" he whispered, pleaded. I can see in his eyes the pain. Silver fluid forming in his eyes. Dilemma hit me. If we get out of here, where should we go? What are we going to do? How will we pop the baby out?

"Casper, It's fine, Please help us, James..."

"What!, Justin, no! you can't do this to me!" Sky yelled. Tears streaming and flashes on pain on his face. In this circumstance, we don't have to choose what we are supposed to do. I can't risk two important people in my life to die. "Justin! Ah!!" He screamed as more water came out. The guys with James took Sky from me. "I hate you!" That hurt too much. Hearing those three words from my husband hurts. But what can I do? "You promised me!, you promised me you would save me!"

You have to understand sky, I love you but I need you alive. Even if it means that you have to hate me.

"bring him to the operation room, and you two, bring these two to the basement... and lock them" James, instructed the tugs.

"no! please, I need to be there..." I have to be there, I have to know nothing bad would have to my husband and son. Yes it's a son.


"Please! Please!! He needs me!" He rolled his eyes. I want to take his eyeballs out and feed it to the snakes.

"whatever, just don't do anything that I won't like, or else... you know what will happen" He said and walked in the 'operation room', they say.


What am I going to do? Justin said do whatever I want. What do I want? Think, think, think... Okay, maybe I have to find for a secret hideout, hallway, tunnel? Oh! Maybe there is a secret underground route. In a mansion like this, there is no way there would no such thing like that.

"babe?" a husky voice called out from the kitchen, I think. Who is that? Oh my gosh, someone is hooking up in the kitchen?

I have to see this. Kekeke. Maybe these two would take me to a secret hideout. I tiptoed my way near the kitchen. Oh my gosh, I hope they're not at it. I was going to hide however, the guard who knocked out. Oh my God.

"YOU!!" He hollered and pointed at me. He is going to kill me!

"I swear! I did not mean it!" I shouted with my hands up in the air. Please Lord, spare my life.

"huh?" he made a questioning face with a creased forehead.

It's my chance. Run for my life! Oh my God, this house is like a maze, turn left, right, right again, then left... who the hell is the engineer of this mansion? I should thank him! Hahaha

"wait! Stop!" His husky voice echoed in the hallway. Turn left---and --- Oh-oh... I'm dead... dead end.

"huff huff huff... finally I got you" he said, breathing heavily (probably from running), with his hands on his knees.

"please don't kill me"

"huh? Babe, why would I kill you?" Wait, WHAT?


OMG, it has been a month since I last updated this story and you've been VERY amazing guys....

That's why, I decided to update another chapter later!

So... wait up~~~~ there's more to come!! Hehe



Married to You (boyxboy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now