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Escape. That's the first word that strucked when I woke up in a white room, soft bed but with a rope tying my hands behind me and tying my feet to the bed's legs. The room was too bright for me and I have to blink several times to adjust.

"Oh son, that's good your awake!" I noticed the old man sitting at the mini table holding a cup of coffee or... tea? This man looks familiar, I think I already met him even before the graduation. Whatever

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" I asked, looking up at him while struggling with the rope.

"pffft, pwahahaha, you really are too innocent from the real world, sky.. dear"

He laughed and put the coffee down on the table, and strolled towards me with the 'something like injection' (I don't know) in his hand. " Do you know a word 'homophobe?, I guess not, Am I right?" Huh?

What is that word? Is that some kind of undiscovered specie that only scientist know? Oh! It's already unearthed. Hah! Silly me. Well whatever that word seems like a virus that he wants to wipe out from the universe. Wait , maybe that is really a virus?

"My boyfriend and I were once happy, we already planned our happily ever after, like what damsels would do with their wonderland... but, did that happen? NO! because of them! Because of those f***ing homophobes!" He said and started to cry and swatted. "They killed him, they killed him, and now, it's time for my revenge!" Oh! So it is really are virus that kills people. But why does he want revenge to virus? And why does it have to include him to kidnap me?

"watch your language" I felt the need to caress my stomach but to no avail. What if my baby heard him? Oh my God. What if the first word my baby would utter is f.... ---

"shut up... Just...."

"I don't get you" I started but he cut me out and resumed with his ranting "With this new invention in progress, I will make every homophobe to feel what they made me feel years back... Thanks to you and your baby, I am now going to start another formula that will make every man pregnant by just touch... no need for sex, just skin-touch!... sounds interesting right? They can't play games anymore or even hangout... hahahahahha... they would know what it feels to be an outcast, to be bullied and killed for being abnormal! " One word. Crazy. How could a virus be pregnant and has skin? I don't get a bit of what he is talking about so I pretended to listen.

And how dare him make my baby and me as his test subjects? No! What if, it will poison my baby? No! No! I have to get out of here, or else, we'll die. I don't want to die, yet. I still want to give birth to my son, yes it is a son... Don't judge me, I just feel it. Wait, and how did he know about the baby? Did Joshua posted something on facebook again? Probable! "No way in hell that you are gonna use my baby for your stupid, senseless invention"

"Stupid?! You call my inventions stupid? Did you know that I was the one who made that child in your gut possible? Meaning that child is my invention too" Huh? This old man needs help. He did not invent my child because Justin and I are the ones who invented him! Hmmp how dare he proclaim himself? Now I want to cry. Silly moodswings.

Wait, I just realized. Homo means gays and phobe means phobia or afraid of. Hmmm then it means no virus but instead these are people who are afraid of gays. Am I right? " Why do you want to harm those people who are afraid of gays?" I asked.

"Afraid? AFRAID? Hahahaha, isn't that ironic? They call themselves afraid of us but the real thing is, we are afraid of them! They bully us, hurt us to the point of killing us... Now, you still stand for them? Huh? Sky dear?" I can't help but imagine myself and Justin being bullied just because we are together.

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