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"Gosh! I hate them! A lot!" I said to the nth power and Tyler is just nodding like he is listening and sitting lazily on the couch. I glanced at him and noticed an earphone on his ear. I stood up and harshly tugged it.

"What the hell! Jaden! That is lady gaga singing! Give it back!"

"NOOO... Tyleeerrrr, help get out of that hell! Did you know, they were flirting in front of mee, IN FRONT OF MEEE" I shrieked at him with hands on my hips. I mean, why can't they flirt with each other in other places. I huffed at the memory.

"You're just jealous... jealous, you don't have someone to flirt with... now give it back" he said.

"I am not! They're just.. aaarrg..." I said slapping my face and sat back beside Tyler.

"I have an idea..." He shouted which made my ear puff in glory. "you just have to use THE ART OF FLIRTING" he said dreamily

"Art of flirting? Since when did it became an art?" I asked crossing my arms

"Just now... you won't have to be surprised if the next issue of webster dictionary have that word" he said while turning his ipod off and faced me.

"ooookay? So, what should I do?"

"you don't want to see them flirting with each other right?" I just nodded; not that I'm jealous, I just don't like it.

" then you have to get his attention, flirt with him..."

"wait, why should I do that?"

"he can't flirt with anybody as long as long as you get his attention... seduce him"

"I don't know what's running into your mind... you're crazy... I have to go; the king must be looking for his slave" It's already Friday; two more days to go! And I'm out of this hell.


"pack your things" The king ordered.


"I said pack your things" what is he even thinking. Gasp. Maybe he is freeing me, OR he wants me out of his house so he can do something naughty! Ohmygosh, what am I thinking.

"so now you are kicking me out of here"

"no one is kicking you out of here" I went silent. Then why did he order me to pack my things? Are we moving? Maybe he wants to forget the memories of his husband here. I feel pity for him. I did not ask him about his husband or about that folder in his photos. I never even got to see their pictures. "I will never kick you out, I will do everything in my power to make you stay with me" he sat on the side of the bed looking down.

I can feel his sadness. I sat beside him and touched his chin dragged it to make him look at me. I can see liquid crystal forming in his eyes. I don't know why I did that. And don't know what to say, seeing his eyes look back at me with sadness and something I can't comprehend. "u-uhm, so why do you want me to pack my things?" he smiled; it's a small smile but still it's a smile.

"were going to the beach or eerr, vacation" he said. I remember telling him, I want to go to the beach before, but I did not expect him to make it happen. I felt my heart leap with joy and excitement.

"waahh, ohmygosh, for the love of green bananas... I f*cking love youuu" I screamed, hugging him while bouncing. Wait, what did I say? I'm sure I said something inappropriate.

"what did you say?" he asked wide hazel eyes looking at me, shocked.

"huh? Uhm... for the love of red bananas?" I said backing away... giving him personal space I once forgot. Now my heart is making its overwhelming vaulting from my ribcage to my backbone.

"no, after that" my heart is bouncing even harsher. My hand made its way to my chest hoping to stop the thing inside from springing to and fro.

" I don't remember saying anything after that" or did I? I heard the front door opened and a loud flirty voice of a man boomed the place.

"Sweetiee, I'm heeeere" Justin sighed loudly and deeply before standing up and strolled his way to the door. Nonono, they are going to flirt again. NO! I won't let that happen. JUSTIN IS MINE. WAIT, WHAT?

I stood up and starkly pushed the chair nearby and acted as if I tripped. "AAWW"

I heard his footsteps running to me. Now, here goes nothing. I closed my eyes remembering what Tyler said. 'use the ART OF FLIRTING... SEDUCE him'

"Sky! I mean.. Jaden, are you okay what happened?" he worriedly asked. He crouched and caressed my face with his thumb. Keep the act Jaden. I reminded myself.

"i-it's okay... you can g-go, I just tripped" I said, making an 'okay but not okay act'. HA! I'm going to Oscars tomorrow to claim my best actor award! I tried to stand up acting hurt.

"ow!" he helped me sit on side of the bed and he sat on his heels in front of me caressing my 'injured' foot. I hissed and bit my lip, for seducing factor. Pfft. He looked at me and groaned.

"aahhh" I seductively screamed but acting like my feet really hurts. He massaged it using an oil which is hidden in his drawer. I can practically see him blushing and biting his lip while massaging my uninjured foot. Hehehe. I suppressed my chuckles and went back to acting. He pressed his thumb on my heel; I screamed 'aaah' and hit his groin, which I think is 'too hard', using my other foot and he groaned. Oops, wrong move.



I ushered myself inside their condo and shouted "Sweetiee, I'm heeeere"

But before I could open the door to their bedroom, I heard moans and groans... I smirked... I think I am obligated to call someone. I fished my phone out of my pocket and called someone.

"hello babe?" a sweet little voice coming from the other line hit my ear. I smirked even more recalling



Thank you thank you thank you for the support, love, for following votes and especially comments!!

I can already feel it..... (the closing stage)



Seductively_Innocent <3

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