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Sky's POV

Everything went back to normal. One week left and it's graduation day. Justin and I sold our condo unit moved to our own house we just bought. We plan take up business administration coz our parents want to take over the joined companies.

Exams were done, and students were just busy with their own lives and enjoying their last days in college. There is no reason to be early at school so I don't have to wake up early. But this guy here, is so excited to be at school and brag me to the world. Tss.


"Not a morning person, I see." He said. " come ooon, babe..." I groaned. I am supposed to yell at him but I feel like I want to vomit. Did I eat something bad last night? I ran to the bathroom and puke everything that can be puked inside my stomach. What the hell?

"Hey, babe? Are you okay? Hey..."

"Nah, it's fine... maybe I ate something bad last night" I tried to stood up but I felt dizzy. Why is the world felt like spinning?

"Hey, hey" he held me up and looked at me.

" You're pale... come on, I'm going to make you an appointment to the doctor" he said while guiding me to the bed

"Justin I'm fine"

"You don't look fine and whether you like it or you like it, we are going to the doctor" he said before going outside with his phone. Maybe to call our family doctor.

Tsk, can't he understand? I am perfectly fine. I don't know why, but I am really pissed. Hmp!


Justin's POV

I don't understand what is happening to him. He is so grumpy and always pissed. What is wrong with him? Is it wrong to care so much about him and take him to our doctor? Obviously, he don't like the idea of 'check-up' thing.

"Tell me, what are you feeling?" Doctor Elmer asked.

"Just a little dizzy and every hour, I feel like vomiting uhm little stomach cramps but overall I'm totally fine" he said

"fine? Which part of that is fine?" seriously, where did he put his brain?

"shut up! I said I'm fine!" he yelled at me. Woah, that is so unusual of him yelling.

"ahem, you said you have stomach cramps right? This could be because of what you ate last night" the doctor said

"see, I told you it was something I ate" he snapped particularly at me.

"but, you said you feel dizzy and vomiting. We have to run some tests to know what's exactly happening to you. Pee into this bottle and you can go after this. I am going to give you meds for your stomach cramps after you pee into that" Dr. Elmer said handling him the bottle.

"whatever, hmp" he said and grabbed the bottle. What the hell is wrong with him being so grumpy and snappy. I never saw him being like this before. Is it because of the weather? Hmmm


Joshua's POV

What is wrong with Sky being so happy today? , and why is Justin's eyebrows being too close with each other?

"Waaah, Joshhuuuuuaaaa, I'm soooo happy we are going to graduate in a week, and we'll go to college and we won't see each other again *gasp* we, we won't see each other again?" then he is now crying. Wait, wait, wait.... I did not do anything. I am innocent!

"hey, hey.. sky, is there a problem? It's not like we are going to be away with each other. We can always meet and buy chocolate ice-cream every time we're not busy" I soothed him. Hey Justin! Why are you not doing anything! I asked internally. I eyed him and he just shrugged.

"Cho-chocolate ice-cream?" He suddenly stopped crying and his eyes immediately sparkled.

"huh?" seriously, there is something wrong with him. He is like a pregnant woman. Wait.

"Justin, Justin... buy me ice-cream pleaaaase... and, and, uhm put some pickles and soy sauce on it, okay?" ew... Justin and I made an ew face but made sure that sky was not looking; he might have another breakdown.

"Sky, you just had chocolate milkshake... It's not good for you to have another col...." Justin stopped when he saw Sky crying. Oh gosh, What happened to the sky I know?

"you, you don't love me anymore... you won't buy me ice-cream... waaaahhh" ppfft.. he is like my mom when she was pregnant with my little brother. But what if....

"okay, okay... I'll but you one... just.. wait here" he said and walked out.

"You know what? You're like my mom when she was pregnant with my baby brother" I said and his eyes widened.

"B-Baby?" he asked. That's it.. Who kidnapped the real Sky! Tell me! We just found him and now he is missing? And worst he has a fake McCoy? Whoever kidnapped him, I am going to hang them upside down.


Justin's POV

The saleslady is now preparing the ice-cream I ordered when my phone rang.


'Is this Justin Grimwood?' the doctor asked. Nice greeting.

"yes, it's he. Why?"

'it is Dr. Elmer... I think I found something really important about your husband's condition...and it is best if he would be here to have another examination to make sure that I am correct"

"W-What do you mean... He is in good condition, right? Nothing is wrong with him,"

'he is perfectly fine Mr. Grimwood, I think your husband is pregnant' My world stopped, even my heart stopped beating. Everything went mute and the time stopped. What did he say?

"i-I'm sorry?"

'Mr. Grimwood, your husband is pregnant' It took me time to realize what Dr. Elmer was saying.

"Pfft. Pwahahahahaha, that's a nice one Dr. Elmer. So now, no joke, what is sky's condition? Is it because of what he ate?" Wow, I never think doctors could be this funny. Lol.

'Mr. Grimwood, I am not joking... I made some tests... I myself was shocked with the findings... I did another tests and the same findings occurred' Oh God

'I think it is good that you visit here for an ultrasound to make sure I am correct' Another Oh God

Oh God

Oh God

I think I should have my ear checked too. I am hearing unbelievable things. Is it also because of what I ate last night?

"excuse me mr. sexy... but now is the time to wake up from your dreamland and take this chocolate ice-cream with you" The ice-cream lady snapped

I blinked once. Twice.

"I am going to become a daddy" I said nonchalantly


"I am going to become a daddy" I said again.


"can you put some pickles on it? And soy sauce"

"ew... I mean... o-okay"

I am going to become a DADDY!! Wait, but how?

Yeah, that question





haaaa.... sorry for the very slow UD.... and now to compensate you all... hahaha...

3 updates in one blow..... kekeke... enjoy!!!!!

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