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Sky's POV

"This is all your fault!" I heard a familiar voice screamed followed by sobbing. I groaned and opened my eyes.

"If did not do that, we are all dead!" Someone's small blurry talked back

"Justin..." His name is all I can muster with my dry mouth as my vision cleared . "my son? Where?" He just cried and shook his head. I feel like dying, like someone stabbed my heart million times with a stained knife.

"Oh shit, my back hurts" Tyler's voice hissed from pain.

"Shut up"

"Tyler! Joshua! You're alive!" Kyle and Jessie ran to them and help them walk. We looked up to them with teary eyes.

"Justin, Sky... we-were sorry. We tried" Tyler spoke as they came near us. Justin just hugged me tighter, I need this. I need him, I need his comfort. I cried and hugged him back. My son, my life is gone. Because of that mentally damaged man. " I'm sorry Sky, I broke my promise I did not same our son, I'm sorry" He continued to apologize while hugging me. I can feel his tears streaming and flowing to my shoulders.

"Shh, *sniff* we- we'll work this out.... Everything will be fine... Everything will be fine" I said particularly to myself. I roamed my eyes to the guys who were also crying and crunched my nose.

"Where is gray?" I asked and they fell silent. I was about to ask again but a loud creaking of metal stopped me.

"Babe, are you cheating on me, who's baby is this?" a dark voice boomed from the tunnel and soft cries of a baby.

"Shut up" another voice said. Is that Gray's voice? Then a cover of one of the tunnel holes opened revealing Gray cradling a soft white cloth.

"Oh! There you are!" Gray beamed at us. "owaa! Owaaa! Owaa!" cried the baby in his hands

"Look, look, Justin, He is sooo cute" He ran to us showing the baby.

Happiness or joy are understatement with what I am feeling right now. I trembled took the baby from Gray. "Justin..." I cried even more as here my son's soft cries.



"How's my favorite nephew?" Joshua asked as he carries Arvin when he came to our kitchen. I was making pancakes for my boys.

"Uncle Josh... Uncle Cashper gave me a woy! And it's weaaaally cool" Joshua is a marketing consultant of mens wear company is now living with Tyler who is now a famous designer. Casper is, well, an inventor. Kyle and Jessie, continued with their basketball carrier.

And Gray? He is busy with his stalker turned husband, Charles. They are now in Paris spending their honeymoon. I never thought Gray will find his forever from that incident.

Jamie and Chris are now recording artists. Who would have thought that the basist and guitarist of "the hunters" will be singers and now teen-ager's crush. Too bad for them, Jamie is engaged with Blaze now.

Justin and I are President and CEO of the merged companies of our parents. They gave this to us saying they don't need it and wants to spend their lives stress free.

"Really? Wow, what toy is that?" He sounded curious as we are. I eyed Justin who is holding our 2 years and 2-month-old daughter, Jasmine. And he just shrugged also looking curious.

"Lemme show you" Arvin said as he wiggled free from Joshua's grasp and ran to his room. "CAREFUL!" I yelled.

"How's Tyler?" I asked when Arvin was already out of sight.

"He's sore" Justin chuckled at his answer and I glared them and Jasmine cried. See even that baby is hurt for her Uncle Tyler.

"HEY UNCLE JOSH! LESH PWAY STAW WALS!!" translation: Let's play Star wars. Arvin shouted as he ran to Joshua and turned on the light of the sword that he is holding.

"Oh My God, Noooo" Justin and Joshua cried as they saw Arvin approaching. I as watched confused.

~ END ~

WAAAAAHHHH.... OH MY GHAD..... I AM SOOOO HAPPY THAT YOU WERE WITH ME IN THIS STORY GUYS.... ll_ll wahhh.... I love you all so much... Ohh, also the Story of Arvin will also start... Tehehehe... Married to an Enemy (Married to series) whaaa... I so love you guys

WOHOO, 3 updates in one day... hope you all like it guys...

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