n20: Play Date 1 | Elementals

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Bonding with their powers for a day.

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His laughter was so free and pure, so childish despite his teenage years. It came to your ears as a tickle and bounce - and only a rocky heart could do anything but join in such generous mirth.

"Pfft, I'm living for your reaction, babe!" Blaze snickered as both of his apricot, tangerine eyes crinkled, coiling his arms around his abdomen.

"W-Well, I would too—if it wasn't for you tossing fire around me!" you retaliated as your voice shrill, and rubbed your arm with a small wince, coercing yourself to turn away.

"But . . . it's fun," he claimed, tilting his head amusedly at you, yet the plumes of cresting flames were rimming around the verges of his hands.

"Crazy," you mumbled, rolling your eyes as peals of laughter elicited from within your boyfriend, coming off contagious, and sounded more like an evil cackle than an expression of amusement.

"Heck, yeah! I'm only crazy for you!"

"W-What in the . . ."

"Ahaha! Geez, don't be such a KJ, baby!"

"Psh, I'm not being one!" Impulsively, you retorted with a scoff as your voice constringed, "Maybe, you stop acting like you're about to burn me or something any second here!"

"Hey, it's our date, and why the hell are we even yelling at each other—Literally, just . . . chill," Blaze assured, tipping his hand ineptly. Rolling his lips inwards, he clicked his tongue and pursed an impish, wry smile at you, prompting you to furrow your brows.

Wordlessly, you realize to obligue for the best of today.

Heaving an audible sigh, "Okay - I'm chill now," you said, shrugging both arms.

"Hehe! Alrighty, look!" he stated, and approached you to coil his arm around your waist, leisurely pulling you closer to him. With a flick of his other hand, he tilted his head to induce you to linger your gaze around reflectively.

The flames leap with the joy of the eternal dancer, sparks pirouetting, giving their all in this brightest of performances.

His hand appeases the side of your waist, and your eyes were amused, agape at a loss of words at the mesmerizing flames that undulated over the wisps of silver smoke through the haziness.

"Mhm? Like it, yeah?" Blaze queried, directing his gaze at you whilst his lips twitched upwards into an impish grin. Promptly, you looked at him reflectively, drawing your face closer to his.

"Okay . . . I admit that I do," you replied in a gentle, nonchalant manner as he uplifted a brow amusedly, "I mean, you could see the astonishment in my expressions yourself."

"Haha! Finally, you said so," he commented with a laugh as his apricot eyes crinkled, inducing you to hum in response, tugging a thin smile on your face, "Besides, like I always tell you; I'd never, ever hurt you, so don't be afraid. Everything's fine under my control, you know."

"That's a lie," you mumbled, barely audible under your breath, as though it were only for you to be perceived.

"What'd you say?" Blaze asked as his brows furrowed confoundedly, lingering his gaze at you.

"It's nothing, really," Shrugging your shoulders, you replied upon heaving a sigh, disregarding your unbidden thoughts.

"Aw . . . Why's my baby frowning?" His voice's tone was vividly rimming with concern, leisurely grabbing a hold of your delicate face with his warm hand to scrutinize every verge of your expressions.

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