o21: Promenade "Prom" Event | Frostfire & Glacier

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BoBoiBoy Frostfire

The solemness of his focused gaze from his deep-seated, amber-cerulean eyes were rimming with amusement, locked into yours as though enchaining; his emotions telling him that he needs more of a connection, or that you do, however in reality it was undoubtedly the both of you. If it were anyone else, you would drop your gaze, but with Frostfire's eyes lingering onto yours from the mirror reflectively as his lips twitched upwards, you're drawn in closer as his fingertips reach its end leisurely pulling up the zipper of your evening gown from behind of you.

"If only the way you stare at me could actually melt," you quipped and tittered quietly, biting your lower lip to pull back your smile as you subtly turned your body to inspect your back at the mirror thoroughly.

Lips parting momentarily, your eyes brightened rather merrily sanguine as you deemed yourself ready with the little, but primal assistance from your boyfriend. "Oh, my gosh! Thankies, my love!"

Caressing your evening gown that fitted your body, you did a quick, leisure twirl in front of the mirror. His admiring gaze sent a smile to his lips that came slowly, warming his eyes. Frostfire hung his head lowly, acquiescing in the strands of his hair falling loose over his forehead, and chuckled quietly at the politeness of your eulogize.

"Do you know what one of the best feelings is?" you asked, laced with the pretentiousness of curiosity.

"Yeah?" he responded musedly upon prompting his attention to you, and you felt the warmth of his hands now resting over your shoulders, all the while gently stroking it's way down your upper arms innately.

"It is when I catch you staring at me, then you smile and look away," you elucidated with timidness as you turned your head down at your fingers, regardless of how the gleam was rimming in your eyes.

"Mm... Staring at you has always been my favorite thing," Frostfire said ever so casually, yet that little rise in the corner of his lips was oblivious to be combined with the cool detachment in his eyes. Bringing out a sense of mischief, of innocent fun.

"Ah, yeah, you can say that I know that since we've been together," you say, then, as the words ebb freely. Subtly turning your body to face him, you roll your lips inwards. "But... May I ask what you often have in your mind when you look at me?"

"Oh, sweetheart," Trailing off, your boyfriend bided his time on inclining to your ear teasingly. Even before he could utter a word or touch you, your lungs expanded with briny air. He leaned in to caress your neck, slow and gentle. His hands that held your arms slowly turns you in front, "Those moments are when I can't decide if I want to kiss you or just stare at you..." he smirked, mumbling directly under his breath, unaccompanied by a hinge of reluctance whilst intently enchaining his gaze to yours in the mirror.

Taken your reaction in abeyance, you were frozen on your stance at a loss of words; heartbeat is palpitating more rapidly than normal, reverberating over your chest from his highly concentrated eyes scrutinizing the flow of your reaction thoroughly. The fingers of his warm hands were running over each of your shoulders to soothe your back into appeasement. Impulsively, your body squirmed just a little as he pursed his lips. "Hush, relax for me, baby."

Frostfire gently brushed your hair towards your right shoulder, knowing that you have taken hours to fix it thoroughly in a style for the prom in your school, which he deemed was looking simple yet sophisticated. Perfectly stunning to his eyes, even. Assuredly, he would've known, especially that the both of you have prepared for the promenade event together in one room from the hotel where the said venue shall be held.

"W-Why are we still here, anyway?" you asked, watching as you obliged to let him innately your hair comparable to his usual hobby, brushing it's strands as his eyes bided concentration, inducing how he was fond of every single feature of you.

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