b05: Hot Boys | BoBoiBoy & Elementals

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BoBoiBoy, The Champion |  Hali, Not Satisfied | Solar, Unwanted Attention | Thorn, 'Win this, Cinnamon!'

The Champion

"Love!" BoBoiBoy called out to you. The whole court was in the range of a raucous noise from all the screaming of his fangirls, it was an intensive, breath-taking competition and finally your boyfriend's team won the title and brought honor to your batch.

You rushed your way off the bench and slightly pushed everyone standing by to ensure you get to make it out quickly. Indeed, you were the girlfriend but you stayed and watched by the back bench thanks to his fangirls desperately wanting to get BoBoiBoy's attention from all their nerve-wracking cheering for the guy they admire.. yours.

Though nothing mattered to you than being there for your boyfriend's celebration for you were really really happy for him! You know he practiced well for the competition!

Upon reaching by the open court, where all the teams had gathered, BoBoiBoy went close to pull you for tightening embrace, he was exhausted but you could feel him smiling.. for having you under his arms on such a great moment.

"Yaaay! Congratulations, love! You deserved this!"

"Yeah! It was awesome!" He says and faced you, gently stroking the tangles of your hair.

"..this is also dedicated for you, of course. You always inspire me hehehe."

"Eh..! Haha." You couldn't help herself from blushing on such a simple statement until you noticed your boyfriend's current draining state.

He was perspiring and his red jersey is now slightly soaked from all his sweating from the game.

"..aww! Look you're so sweaty.. hold on." You wiped his sweat off his face and neck with the towel you were bringing, you love taking care of him.

BoBoiBoy is like a little kid living in a teen's body and that's just really adorable.

"Thanks, love." He then pouts his lips to your confusion, "but I'm shy, hehe.. what if I smell?"

"Psh! You don't smell, idiot." You curved a slight smile on the thought, wondering why he could still even feel conscious on you.

"..and it doesn't matter to me even if you actually do, alright?"

"Okay, love." BoBoiBoy chuckles.

Not Satisfied

"Let's gooo!" You hopped off the washroom in such excitement, carrying your own sports bag towards your boyfriend who happens to be silently waiting at the railway nearby and also just changed to his jersey.

You couldn't deny such strong persona and charisma Thunderstorm brings around his aura, it was breath-taking on the sight and for 5 seconds you reflected on how lucky you are to have him as yours. And yours only, he says.

He glances from your call and it wasn't that long for him to observe your outfit head to toes, "what's that?"

"This is our cheerleading uniform, of course!" You laughed.

"Yep, but I don't like it." His response caught you off a bit as he stood straight, crossing his arms and returning you a blank stare, "seriously, Y/n. It's so short and I can see your.."

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