d09: School Detention | Elementals

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I needed to write this so I could laugh— this is so weird.. and wrong HAHA just a quick update at the moment, and about breaking school rules and such, however for fun only haha. All smiles here.


Blaze, The Red Code | Cyclone, Catch me, Please | Ice, Without The Consent | Hali, Shut The Fvck Up | Thorn, Chaos Be Gone


The Red Code

"Hey... Y/n..." he whispers beside you, it was soft and barely audible that only you could hear for the current ambience in the class is one of an intimidating and serious one.

An irritation rushed inside of you for his sudden distraction, grasping the pen tightly thus rolling your lips inwards, "What... do... you want?"

"First part, number 2." Blaze continues to mutter, now with an evident tone of pleading and you furrow your brows in realization of what he's actually trying to do and ask for at the moment. "What the heck, Blaze?"

"Just move away your goddamn hand!" He shrugs, being so of even having the guts to be 'annoyed'. Unbelievable, this chicken head, just look at his unusual mood.

For the sake of having a peace of mind, you removed your hand off your paper, revealing the nearly finished answered page for your idiotic boyfriend to just 'get ideas'.

He grinned for your allowance on what he wants and immediately writes down his answers in a rush, time is ongoing though, just 5 more minutes before the tests ends.

"Do whatever you want." However you were off the one with the wider grin, because even you didn't review so well for the sudden surprise quiz in History. All your written answers were just a random guess, so practically, that makes no difference for you and Blaze failing the quiz today. What a perfect couple.

"Thanks, beautiful..." He even managed to reply and you shook your head with a mocking smile.

Suddenly, a voice has interrupted the said conversation, "I see two of my students tolerating 'cheating'..." you and Blaze froze on your seats then somehow, time seemed to stop for a moment only for the both of you and a horrendous dark aura seemed to commence nearby.

End of the world, it is. The teacher was standing behind the whole time.

Catch Me, Please

A structure was tossed and met in contact with your head, landing on the table to your notice upon taking a grasp for it, a paper plane?

You looked back, seeing Cy with a teasing smile from his intention. You kinda laughed it off, "What was that?"

"Just bored, Y/n. Haha." He replies and you glanced for the Literature teacher, currently in the process of writing statements on the board.

Indeed, it was boring. Everyone in the classroom had their own personal distractions to kill time on this class.

You pouted, as if to show off a cute and irresistible face, "So meaaan, Cy!"

"Yah! It was just a joke!"

"Ah, is that so?" You turned and folded the paper plane to enhance it once more, in order for you to throw it back, shall it be more speedy than it was of earlier.

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