k17: Fleeting Tranquil | Solar

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I'd like to share this draft. And I may soon post some others too since they've been in here for long. How are you all?

Kindly stay safe!


Fleeting Tranquil

It was the way the rhythmic percussion of waves from the pool splashes incessantly against your chin, precisely hitting your inner nose-the chlorine chemical resulting it irritated as you winced annoyingly shrugging it off with your hand. He lifted a brow keeping his eyes on you, chuckling smokily deep.

Well.. this height of yours is indeed- a blessing in disguise.

"Mean, Solar." you pouted, blowing the runny nose of yours to at least remove the congestion; he just looks at you, mocking ingeniously, "Lucky you, the pool just reaches around your chest level.. somehow."

"Sorry," he moves closer to you, prompting his attention to swipe the tangles of your hair towards the side of your ears, before he smiles thin, "Want me to get you a floater?"

your eyes widen as soon as he questions, hastily shaking your head, "Wha- no! That's only for kids." And again, you pouted but this time with a frown, crossing your arms.

Though, you could not even fathom which one was making you irritated as of the moment: the fact that you seemed to be the shortest in this pool among the others, the ongoing runny nose, or the question itself that- seems kinda.. off to your pride.

"Oh? Says who?" He acts a bit shock, and grins. "I'll ask for one, you really need it." It was a final decision of his, of course; a decision for you. And you were left dumbfounded as he moves a few distance away, signaling a caretaker of the resort for the request.

A kiddish request.

you silently thought with a sigh, in defeat.

Afterwards, you felt his presence approaches you, registering how a pair of arms wrapped itself around your waist as you linger your eyes up to him reflectively.

"What did you got?"

"A unicorn floater." He chuckles, "Just wait, they'll bring it here."

Something clicked in your mind, "Solar, I just noticed your being.. more concern for me? And overly caring.." you stated quite unsurely, although it soon did a turn as you nod to fully agree to your statement now, "What happened? I mean.. don't get me wrong, okay?"

He remains looking at you as he listens intently, sighing as his hands strokes your waist, "This has been such a difficult time for me, and I know that I have not been the easiest to live with lately." Rarely, he opens up like this, not with his pride that seemed to evanesce as of the moment, "You have taken such good care of me, and I have to do the same too."

And with that, you slowly nod, smiling a bit in return.

Even though you may not reply in words, the connection of appreciation was still there between the both of you; it was alive, a content, despite the complicated relationship you both have.

Silence. All but the noises of the furious waves, rushing into the channel on their way, broke the current and whirled and tossed in every direction.

"You'll fit perfectly snug in my arms for all eternity, my love." He bent down, his lips against your cheek, brushing it lightly-and still that light touch sent shivers through your nerves, shivers that made your whole body tremble.

He gazes at you straight in the eye.

His midwinter orbs ebbed ever so gently with cement. It accentuated every feature glistening like stars melted in platinum.

Infrequent scarce eyes capable to have anyone fallen in love for.

"Look," he slowly turns your body towards the other side and leans himself against you like a natural gesture of his, embracing you under his arms, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

And you watched with an unwavering gaze; the sunset came as if it had missed the sky and wanted nothing more than to warm up those blues to a radiant gold.

you hum, utterly mesmerized, "Yes, it is.."

"Ever think of that day when I can finally make love with you?" Solar mumbles right in your ear, lips initiating into a sly teasing grin.

A shiver runs down your spine- like a bolt of electricity and you blinked twice, eliciting a small sigh of anxiety that leaps out of your mouth; it was like your brain has completely loss their senses from his sudden question, "Um, w-why?"

"Answer me first." He replies sternly, almost could have been mistaken as a demand.

you swallowed the lump in your throat, heart palpitating quicker than normal, "I mean.. we h-haven't.. done it yet so-"

"Yeah, so?" He chuckles, resting his chin in comfort over shoulder followed by an inaudible sigh, "Y/n, I just wanted to know if you've thought about it.. There's nothing wrong with the question, hm?"

Nothing wrong-

Nonetheless, it took a while to gather the courage to say, "S-Sometimes.." you admit; it was like the words ripped off freely.

It was obviously too late for regrets right-


"H-How about you?" you returned the question, facing him as you tried to even sound enthusiastic- for no reason which made you felt like things has gotten a bit. more. unwielding.

you just had to laugh awkwardly.

"Hm? Of course," he confessed straight forwardly.

His eyes are steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckons the stars. His lips bear the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he is enjoying his thoughts, whatever they may be.

"Okay.." you broke the silence, wondering how you both just reached this kind of conversation, at last he turns to you, face distant apart.

He smiles playfully, "Don't worry, I'll be wearing the safest thing once we're at it.."

your voice tumbled out softly, "Oh. You mean the.."

"No," Solar declines to your confusion, and his fingers fiddles along with yours under his hold. "What is it?"

"The wedding ring."

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