j16: Mending Solicitude | Elementals

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Request from: V1R51L

Boys reassuring our reluctant that they won't hurt us even if we were hesitant to trust their words, for the reader is traumatize or afraid of their powers.

I separated this and I'll post part 2 sooner! Just gonna quick edit that thing tonight. Huhu.


Flaring Trauma, Blaze | Perfect Illusion, Cyclone | Bleeding Shards, Quake


Flaring Trauma

His eyes were fused with belated concern and his voice had lost it's edge. He grabs your arm as you feel his gauzy warm hands stroking your skin so carefully; instinctively, you shrug your arm away from him as you stabilize your breathing from his sudden hold. From that alone, mind dwindling unbidden thoughts all over again.. and again.

They silence you..

They scare you.. it's like the dark thoughts have fallen in love with you; they irretrievably crave for more.. thus, it seems that they have unlocked the gates of hell in your mind.. alongside the wretched torture of being their own hostage.

And how it's all welcomed..

"Y/n.. please.. tell me what's wrong.." his cracking, almost inaudible voice still continues to pursue as he tries to reach your arm again. "Come on, baby..?" your feet stumbled backwards, enfolding your arms so tightly over each other 'til the red stinging rash occurs on the forced contacted skin, and the impeding attempt to your overflowing hot tears being useless, hastily shaking your head. No.. n-no..!

His touches, they no longer give you the usual tingling spark rather it is.. it's gone.. disappearing without a vestige.

Trembling, when you stare up at his calypso-amber eyes.. all it employs was a flash of existence on how plumes of fire rampage has charred, wounding itself around like a great famished beast devouring everything in it's path.

The newborn flames licked the oxygen with their wrath and fury, pouncing out of it; the burning inferno rushing in was mercilessly blood-thirst.

It's life compositing into nothing but deathlike grayness that floated in the smoky air, leaving it thick with wisps of silver grey smoke through the haziness. There was no way escaping it, the pain, death it could have caused, and the dreams it stole.

N-No.. it.. i-it should be a forbidden.. m-memory.. right..?

Wait—is it? Or is this all just.. another false insight?

Your senses are distorted; thanks to what you feel. A perceived belief; the unseen impressions of reality.

Neither good nor bad, is an obstacle to the perception of the truth, and you stand on the brink of illusion, not knowing whether to stay before the barrier is a blissful oblivion.

An open world full of deception and lies, illustrated by your inner most dreadful thoughts; they all come at you..

Where do you belong now?

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