a02: Devil of Your Life | Hali

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Blaze, Ice and Thunderstorm's POV in c08: Unlove Me, I Dare.

Devil of Your Life

"You freaking liar!" You angrily charged towards Thunderstorm down the hallway but before he could glance to you, your fist has already made a hefty impact on his jawline upon releasing all your strength and frustration, pushing him off his balance to the ground as you heard him curse beneath his mouth.

"Why do you keep telling Solar that I'm into you! You're making me look like one of your stupid fangirls!"

To your surprise a group of taller boys immediately came close towards you and forcefully grabbed your arms, keeping you on place to which you tried to fight back. It was no use, they were a lot stronger than you are.

"Don't touch her." Thunderstorm sternly ordered and threatened, his red piercing eyes deathly glaring towards them as he got up and regaining his composure, still holding the part you hardly punched on his jawline.

"Come on, dude! You could get your revenge now!"

"Yeah! We got her! She can't move out!"

"What are you waiting for?"

"I SAID DON'T FVCKING TOUCH HER!" His deep ranging voice echoed down the hallway, blood-shot thunder strike appearing around his aura causing every students in the area to get stunned in fear and shock, some even leaving off their places in a rush.

In an instant you felt those strong arms loosened around yours, breaking you free from their tightening grip.

Thunderstorm was so fearful and dangerous. He glanced towards you meeting his red piercing eyes and noticed how he calmed down for reasons you couldn't really distinguish.

He had no expressions evident around his face until you noticed him slightly smirking and walked towards you, crossing his arms.

"You came here for me, Y/n?"

"Obviously! I don't care if your fangirls hate me on this but we seriously have something to discu-" before you could finish your words, he grabbed your wrist, effortlessly pulling you along as he walked out of the hallway, "w-where are you bringing me, you idiot!"

Thunderstorm stopped on a corner without students around. It was dismissal so everyone was going home, "what is it?"

You hardly removed your wrist off his hand and faced him, "will you stop bragging to Solar that I'm 'in love' with you! He's seriously hating me for that! Solar doesn't like your fangirls at all and now I can't talk to him!"

"So?" He rolled his eyes and stared at you emotionlessly.

"You already know that I love your brother! NOT YOU!" You blurted the frustration out, "Solar and I were already being closer friends, Thunderstorm! I did everything for that friendship!"

"Yep, I know."

"Exactly! Why do you need to make Solar dislike me for false reasons! You're so freaking EVIL! You don't care about anyone but yourself because you're just SELFISH!"

Thunderstorm just shook his head, slightly pursing a forced smile on your statement.

You clearly couldn't understand his reactions, "I don't even know why you keep pesting around me.. I never even wanted to talk with a cold ruthless person like you!"

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