e10: Flirts in Online Class | Elementals

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Hahaha thank goodness for being gifted with an unproblematic day today... for me and it just happens rarely haha I genuinely hope you are all too :) How could it be like taking online classes with the BBBs? Will it be chaos?



"Ey... do you have it?" You asked upon turning on the mic from this first subject of the greatest day of the week, Monday. It was apparent to every one of your classmates how drowsy their states are in the web cams, being so of just getting up at 7:30 am in the morning.

Your boyfriend is not fond of waking up these early hours at all. Never, he is.

"Yeah..." he got up from slouching on his back, moving closer to the screen and stifled a feigned yawn, eyes somewhat softly closed, "Uh, the one we did last night? I mean, which one again?"

The Geography teacher responded for you, "The graded Assessment #7, Blaze. Kindly share your own screen now for the entire class to see the work you and Y/n have complied on the past few days."

More like the work was mostly done by the responsible you. At least, Blaze decided to get himself some cooperation by just saving the PDF file on his laptop. A good help it was, indeed.

"Huh? Ok wait, miss..." he paused, scratching his cheek uneasily and looks at the screen for quite some time, "I'm uh, trying to share it now. My screen."

His expressions looked a bit off, and you felt worried feeling something is odd, "Blaze, do you really know how to share it here? You sure?"

"Yep, it's just loading... I think." He remains staring at his screen, until then his face has turned into pale, jaw-dropping and left being loss of words except, "Fvck this!"

In alert from what was stated out loud and clear on the mic, the teacher snapped for hearing such immoral words, "Excuse me, did you just had the audacity to curse in my class, Blaze?"

"Hey, what happened?!" You turned on the mic once again, fellow classmates were now bothered about the current situation as seen on the web cams. Blaze slouched back on his seat with a heave, messing up his hair and chuckled, found with a tone of frustration, and distress.

"I just deleted our presentation."


Being a substitute teacher wasn't really supposed to be a hard job for you. Thanks to your teacher who had a bad connection, this is what you get for being the top grader in class. The teacher counts on you.

Except for that one person who just makes this one hour session complicated.

"Cyclone, can you—please stop that annoying noise? It's abundantly distracting us." You called for the wind manipulator with all the patience, eye bags resembling your week long exhaustion is still found beneath your lids, unfaded 'til now.

He looks at you confusingly from his screen and slowly points at himself, "Ha? Me? What am I doing?"

"You're blowing in your mic. It's too loud and we can all hear it..." You boldly replied without the mood, followed by some of your classmates nodding in their screens, a gesture of agreement.

"Eh? But I'm just breathing, Y/n."

"Just—stop it, okay..." you retorted, in hopes you get to continue on lecturing the said lesson placidly while the teacher gets her damn internet connection fixed or some sort.

"You want me to stop breathing?" Cyclone laughed it off in purpose for teasing you even more and you just had to drop your head down the desk in a thump, reflecting whether you still had the sanity within you or not. "Alright, geez! Haha, only if you say please and... that you love me, I'll stop!"

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