b06: Fiery Shower | Blaze

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A Fiery Shower

"Oh f- babe!"

You flinched in a sudden movement upon hearing an unexpected yet audibly familiar voice who nearly cursed from behind. You stood steady and froze for a split second, feeling frightened knowing you were just alone in the washroom the whole time you were cleansing your hand and then, this happened. Someone's in here and freak that, you already knew.

Dear, who else is your boyfriend?

"W-wait.. how.." you shivered in attempt to glance behind and your eyes widened, opening your mouth and tried to continue, but no words came out. No.

You stumbled your steps out of control though you held onto the surface on the sink, the other hand unconsciously covered your mouth to keep yourself from screaming. You felt like your breathing has gotten unstable and honestly, you just wanna faint at this moment. For. Real.

Blaze was stood there in surprise without a movement, jaw slightly dropping and fiery shaded eyes widening too though he wasn't that bothered or cared at all even if you were there in-front of him despite his current state being topless and nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He was shocked to see you, but, not really.

"W-what the heck, babe?!" You just blurted the words out, feeling your mind was now completely blanked by the sight and you quickly kept your gaze focused to his own eyes instead of, there. As the situation slowly came into process.

"Uh, Babe..?" He questions.

You snapped, "What do you think you're doing here?! Ha?!"

His eyes still remained widen, with now a pouty face he scratched his head in confusion and you noticed the tangles of his brown hair dripping wet in action.

Unconsciously your eyes scanned and observed him overall once again, head to toe and realized even his exposed upper body were in the same state for he hasn't wiped up yet, then silently you started figuring out the situation.

'GOODNESS Don't look at himmm!' you screamed internally at yourself.

"Eh.. I was supposed to ask that to you!" Blaze says, "sooo what are you doing here?"

Your brows furrowed on how this hilarious conversation is going, making things even more awkward, at least for you. It doesn't make sense.

"Ha?! Why are you returning me that question?!" You frantically asked, honestly not knowing what are you both even talking about anymore and at the same time, keeping your gazed up to his eyes only.

Blaze laughed it off, "hahaha! Wait babe, aren't you going to help in handling the Sportsfest event?"

"Yeah!" You nod being part of the student council, "I just came here to wash my hands and you, don't you have your Football competition less than an hour from now?!"

"Uh huh!" He chuckled, tossing his hands on the air in a worry free manner, totally not feeling conscious that you are seeing him that way. "And I was just using the school's shower for a while, hahaha!"

Your mouth drop in disbelief from his statements, "y-you what?! But why h-here?! Do you even know which washroom you are using, you careless stupid chicken head!"

"Hahaha, meee?" He pursed a playful smirk, and you knew it was up to no good again. "Welp! I think you're the idiot one, haha! Cause this is actually.. the boy's washroom, babe."

You were rendered, almost speechless from what your boyfriend claimed and your mind was still trying to process that improbable statement. You were left dumbfounded yet Blaze was just there slightly smirking from your epic reaction.

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