f11: First Morning Moment | Elementals

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Sleepover with the BBBs. Mornings! :)

Blaze, Try Me, Baby | Cyclone, Early Tease | Earthquake, Collision of Warmths | Ice, Untitled | Solar, Brightest Simplicity | Thorn, Game Over, Repeat | Thunderstorm, Finest Mornings


Try Me, Baby

He doesn't want to get up at the moment, and convinces you the same. Unfortunately, you are an early person though your boyfriend's arm was locking you in place above your chest, not allowing you to leave his bed. He was still too sleepy and he craves for was just a moment longer of you being beside him.

"Can you just loosen your grip? I can't breathe, you know."

"Mhm, stay.. here.." Blaze softly pleads, barely audible as he inclines his face on your neck, and straddles his other leg upright over you as you froze. "I still.. wanna.. sleep.."

Apparently, you could feel him—all of him, pressed against you with the down pressure of his weight. It's like he was chaining you underneath him, and with the heated breathing of his on your neck, you could say he was now fast asleep again.

Early Tease

"Yay! It really looks cute on you though!" His face lightened up, jumping on top of his bed as you stood in front of him with his shirt on, unsurely.

Again, you checked on the plain, loose fitting ocean blue shirt on you, with the B on it's right patch. "Uhm, thanks. I'm just not used to wearing your shirts.."

"Oh, you can choose another one in my cabinet." Cyclone adds up, and insist. "Feel free, babe!"

'But isn't that kinda weird—' you thought for a while as your eye twitched, then went on to shook your head. "E-Eh, no need it's comfortable! I just said I'm not used to it, hehe."

He drops himself and sat on his bed, legs crossed over each other as he tilts his head with a teasing smile. "Okay.." he say and grabs his pillow to toss it on you, followed by his laughs when it hits nearby your chest.

"Babe, why.." you frown and immediately, you grabbed it from the floor and hardly tossed it back straight to Cyclone's face, causing him to slightly back off with a yelp.

"Oww! Unfair," he pouts his lips and wrapped his arms around the pillow. "I didn't even throw it that hard.."

Collision of Warmths

You were in the midst of deciding what breakfast would be perfect in the refrigerator, arguing food to food in your mind until then a pair of arms circled around your waist unexpectedly, followed by a warm body pressed against your back, "Ah, Quake?"

"Good morning, Y/n.." his voice was deep and husky, resting his chin on your shoulder and embracing you closer underneath him. He closes both of his eyes with a smile, delighted to have you at this early hour and cherishing the simple moment, to keep it vivid in his own memory.

You held his hand and smiled in return, "Good morning too." You glanced at him, and noticed the puffiness under his eye lids causing you to turn your body. "Wait.. you didn't get enough sleep?"

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